Rice professor under investigation for role in 'world's first gene-edited babies'
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2018-11-29 16:56:43 UTC

(CNN)Rice University is investigating bioengineering professor Michael
Deem after he was quoted in media reports as having been involved with the
work of He Jiankui, the Chinese researcher who claims to have created the
world's first gene-edited babies.

Deem was He's adviser at Rice for 3œ years and published three papers with

"This research raises troubling scientific, legal and ethical questions,"
said Doug Miller, director of Rice University's media relations team. In a
statement, Miller said Rice had "no knowledge of this work."

"We have begun a full investigation of Dr. Deem's involvement in this

He claims that he used a tool called CRISPR-Cas9, which can insert or
deactivate certain genes, to alter the DNA of several embryos to make them
resistant to HIV.

Two babies, twin girls named Lulu and Nana, were supposedly born a "few
weeks ago," He announced in a video on YouTube, saying they were "as
healthy as any other babies" and were home with their parents, Grace and

He is scheduled to present his work Wednesday at the Second International
Summit on Human Genome Editing conference in Hong Kong.

Worldwide reaction to He's announcement was swift. Hundreds of Chinese
biomedical and AIDS researchers issued statements condemning the research.

Several scientists said the experiment was "monstrous," "premature,
dangerous and irresponsible." The Chinese government announced an
"immediate investigation" to verify He's claims, questioning the ethical
approval process and wondering whether the families were adequately
informed of the nature of the experiment.

Scientists in China breed healthy mice from two females

Deem did not respond to CNN's calls and emails but told The Associated
Press that he was in China with the families at the time they gave consent
and "absolutely" believed they understood the risks.

Deem also said he holds "a small stake" and is on the scientific advisory
board of two of He's companies.

Rice University said it did not believe that any of the clinical work was
performed in the United States, but "regardless of where it was conducted,
this work as described in press reports, violates scientific conduct
guidelines and is inconsistent with ethical norms of the scientific
community and Rice University."

While at Rice, Deem has worked extensively on influenza vaccine efficacy,
immune system modulation and HIV. Deem also says a research interest is
the "mathematical model of evolution that accounts for cross-species
genetic exchange."

A recent paper on math modeling for flu was co-written by biomedical
ethics researcher Kirstin Matthews at Rice University's Baker Institute
for Public Policy.

Matthews wrote in an email that she "was surprised yesterday, like many
others, to find out that Professor Deem was involved in this research."

Adding that she had only recently began working with Deem, she said she
had not "seen anything to suggest that Professor Deem's scientific work is
in question," nor did she believe any data in co-authored paper was

"Had Professor Deem informed me of his work using CRISPR on human embryos
to develop a baby, I would have recommended extreme caution using this
technology on human embryos and to wait for more data on risks before
using manipulated embryos for pregnancies," Matthews wrote.

According to a news release on the Rice University website, He became a
graduate student under Deem in 2007 and co-wrote several papers "of
tremendous significance" with Deem.

He, who the university says was "the son of rice farmers in Hunan Province
in China," was lead author with Deem on a paper presenting a mathematical
model that could determine within two weeks whether a new strain of the
influenza virus should be included in the annual seasonal flu vaccine. The
World Health Organization's model takes up to six months.

"Jiankui is a very high-impact student," Deem said in 2010. "He has done a
fantastic job here at Rice, and I am sure he will be highly successful in
his career."
Donald J. Trump, 304 electoral votes to 227, defeated compulsive liar in
denial Hillary Rodham Clinton on December 19th, 2016. The clown car
parade of the democrat party ran out of gas and got run over by a Trump

Congratulations President Trump. Thank you for cleaning up the disaster
of the Obama presidency.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp.

ObamaCare is a total 100% failure and no lie that can be put forth by its
supporters can dispute that.

Obama jobs, the result of ObamaCare. 12-15 working hours a week at minimum
wage, no benefits and the primary revenue stream for ObamaCare. It can't
be funded with money people don't have, yet liberals lie about how great
it is.

Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in the eight
years he was in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood queer
liberal democrat donors.
2018-11-29 17:08:32 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
(CNN)Rice University is investigating bioengineering professor Michael
Deem after he was quoted in media reports as having been involved with the
work of He Jiankui, the Chinese researcher who claims to have created the
world's first gene-edited babies.
Deem was He's adviser at Rice for 3½ years and published three papers with
"This research raises troubling scientific, legal and ethical questions,"
said Doug Miller, director of Rice University's media relations team. In a
statement, Miller said Rice had "no knowledge of this work."
"We have begun a full investigation of Dr. Deem's involvement in this
He claims that he used a tool called CRISPR-Cas9, which can insert or
deactivate certain genes, to alter the DNA of several embryos to make them
resistant to HIV.
Two babies, twin girls named Lulu and Nana, were supposedly born a "few
weeks ago," He announced in a video on YouTube, saying they were "as
healthy as any other babies" and were home with their parents, Grace and
He is scheduled to present his work Wednesday at the Second International
Summit on Human Genome Editing conference in Hong Kong.
Worldwide reaction to He's announcement was swift. Hundreds of Chinese
biomedical and AIDS researchers issued statements condemning the research.
Several scientists said the experiment was "monstrous," "premature,
dangerous and irresponsible." The Chinese government announced an
"immediate investigation" to verify He's claims, questioning the ethical
approval process and wondering whether the families were adequately
informed of the nature of the experiment.
Scientists in China breed healthy mice from two females
Deem did not respond to CNN's calls and emails but told The Associated
Press that he was in China with the families at the time they gave consent
and "absolutely" believed they understood the risks.
Deem also said he holds "a small stake" and is on the scientific advisory
board of two of He's companies.
Rice University said it did not believe that any of the clinical work was
performed in the United States, but "regardless of where it was conducted,
this work as described in press reports, violates scientific conduct
guidelines and is inconsistent with ethical norms of the scientific
community and Rice University."
While at Rice, Deem has worked extensively on influenza vaccine efficacy,
immune system modulation and HIV. Deem also says a research interest is
the "mathematical model of evolution that accounts for cross-species
genetic exchange."
A recent paper on math modeling for flu was co-written by biomedical
ethics researcher Kirstin Matthews at Rice University's Baker Institute
for Public Policy.
Matthews wrote in an email that she "was surprised yesterday, like many
others, to find out that Professor Deem was involved in this research."
Adding that she had only recently began working with Deem, she said she
had not "seen anything to suggest that Professor Deem's scientific work is
in question," nor did she believe any data in co-authored paper was
"Had Professor Deem informed me of his work using CRISPR on human embryos
to develop a baby, I would have recommended extreme caution using this
technology on human embryos and to wait for more data on risks before
using manipulated embryos for pregnancies," Matthews wrote.
According to a news release on the Rice University website, He became a
graduate student under Deem in 2007 and co-wrote several papers "of
tremendous significance" with Deem.
He, who the university says was "the son of rice farmers in Hunan Province
in China," was lead author with Deem on a paper presenting a mathematical
model that could determine within two weeks whether a new strain of the
influenza virus should be included in the annual seasonal flu vaccine. The
World Health Organization's model takes up to six months.
"Jiankui is a very high-impact student," Deem said in 2010. "He has done a
fantastic job here at Rice, and I am sure he will be highly successful in
his career."

Creating GMO humans.

Look how great GMO corn and other crops have worked out.

It seems arrogant to assume that humans can make better humans than
NATURE can. And doesn't this prove the intelligent design theory of a
God or Aliens creating what we are today? The belief that we can do it
better is a Religion in and of itself.

They believe that we have touched the face of God and we are him....
That's Karma
Malcolm McMahon
2018-11-30 19:54:06 UTC
Fire the proton torpedoes-Then BeamMeUpScotty-There's NO sign of intelligent
Post by STO...
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
(CNN)Rice University is investigating bioengineering professor Michael
Deem after he was quoted in media reports as having been involved with the
work of He Jiankui, the Chinese researcher who claims to have created the
world's first gene-edited babies.
Deem was He's adviser at Rice for 3œ years and published three papers with
"This research raises troubling scientific, legal and ethical questions,"
said Doug Miller, director of Rice University's media relations team. In a
statement, Miller said Rice had "no knowledge of this work."
"We have begun a full investigation of Dr. Deem's involvement in this
He claims that he used a tool called CRISPR-Cas9, which can insert or
deactivate certain genes, to alter the DNA of several embryos to make them
resistant to HIV.
Two babies, twin girls named Lulu and Nana, were supposedly born a "few
weeks ago," He announced in a video on YouTube, saying they were "as
healthy as any other babies" and were home with their parents, Grace and
He is scheduled to present his work Wednesday at the Second International
Summit on Human Genome Editing conference in Hong Kong.
Worldwide reaction to He's announcement was swift. Hundreds of Chinese
biomedical and AIDS researchers issued statements condemning the research.
Several scientists said the experiment was "monstrous," "premature,
dangerous and irresponsible." The Chinese government announced an
"immediate investigation" to verify He's claims, questioning the ethical
approval process and wondering whether the families were adequately
informed of the nature of the experiment.
Scientists in China breed healthy mice from two females
Deem did not respond to CNN's calls and emails but told The Associated
Press that he was in China with the families at the time they gave consent
and "absolutely" believed they understood the risks.
Deem also said he holds "a small stake" and is on the scientific advisory
board of two of He's companies.
Rice University said it did not believe that any of the clinical work was
performed in the United States, but "regardless of where it was conducted,
this work as described in press reports, violates scientific conduct
guidelines and is inconsistent with ethical norms of the scientific
community and Rice University."
While at Rice, Deem has worked extensively on influenza vaccine efficacy,
immune system modulation and HIV. Deem also says a research interest is
the "mathematical model of evolution that accounts for cross-species
genetic exchange."
A recent paper on math modeling for flu was co-written by biomedical
ethics researcher Kirstin Matthews at Rice University's Baker Institute
for Public Policy.
Matthews wrote in an email that she "was surprised yesterday, like many
others, to find out that Professor Deem was involved in this research."
Adding that she had only recently began working with Deem, she said she
had not "seen anything to suggest that Professor Deem's scientific work is
in question," nor did she believe any data in co-authored paper was
"Had Professor Deem informed me of his work using CRISPR on human embryos
to develop a baby, I would have recommended extreme caution using this
technology on human embryos and to wait for more data on risks before
using manipulated embryos for pregnancies," Matthews wrote.
According to a news release on the Rice University website, He became a
graduate student under Deem in 2007 and co-wrote several papers "of
tremendous significance" with Deem.
He, who the university says was "the son of rice farmers in Hunan Province
in China," was lead author with Deem on a paper presenting a mathematical
model that could determine within two weeks whether a new strain of the
influenza virus should be included in the annual seasonal flu vaccine. The
World Health Organization's model takes up to six months.
"Jiankui is a very high-impact student," Deem said in 2010. "He has done a
fantastic job here at Rice, and I am sure he will be highly successful in
his career."
Creating GMO humans.
Look how great GMO corn and other crops have worked out.
Pretty well so far, actually.
Post by STO...
It seems arrogant to assume that humans can make better humans than
NATURE can. And doesn't this prove the intelligent design theory of a
God or Aliens creating what we are today? The belief that we can do it
better is a Religion in and of itself.
The trouble is that this is the kind of thing we learn to do by trial and
error. Error is rather a bigger deal with humans than with, say, a tomatoe
