Nonencoded Direct Meaning Only Unrelated To anything else All Data In This Post Shall Be Made Immediately Available to any Researcher and Technical Person on the Entire New Planet In a Direct Concise Mode according to the Specific Field
(too old to reply)
2014-06-27 11:48:45 UTC

Nonencoded Direct Meaning Only Unrelated To anything else All Data In This Post
Shall Be Made Immediately Available to any Researcher and Technical Person on the Entire New Planet In a Direct Concise Mode according to the Specific Field

All this under the
International Law and Tribunals and
Technological Constitution and Medical Ethics Institute and all [World War 3 ] usenet protocols
etc etc and for Peacefull Reasons Only for the benefit of the entire Planet

Time Stamp of this post of no importance



Background Details Just a few of them
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I have many additional RFID Body implants which are of a lower RFID class and a newer generation
and they where all implanted by the mandatory Psychytric Injections and one in the Left arm by a Flue Vaccine
in the same location by the Mk Rf HBS
And they the RFID permit the Mk RF HBS to 3 D Rf scan any body part additionaly to accessing the brain
by the main RFID as in the picture above

Now how the [Finisar Trick Of The Tail was concived above the ] all data decoded bellow

I was hired in an Local [Red C company] and that seemed to be innocent
However at a latter time the [Red C Company was Bought by the American Optics Giant Company Finisar ]
a very strange item for an Company Very Very Old in Start Ups terms
Now Remember that [By Dacialan Contract decoded Twice Bellow aka Once Trough Dacialan Order
and Second Trough the Saab HP Sciam Comercial ] I
[was supposed to be a Nicadror and the Starter of holocaust of] all nonarians on the Planet

Loading Image... and Finisar second end of parabola from Park Azorim
Aka Thinking By Nazi Mode a Balisic System Once Released Will Perform a Parabola by Shear Potential and Kinetic Energy
it can not be stoped in Midflight
Loading Image... Sciam
Loading Image...
Loading Image... By Scientific American August 1993 ]
As we know a Planet Level System Can Not Be Stoped Imediatly Fisicaly and Systematicaly and Human etc
and as well [The Nazi 4 Reich Insatios Plan
will not Stop at Such Low Level items from their Perspective ] and as we can see from the pictures above
[ Finisar = Barbarosa against Planet again and again ]
Immediatly after the [Finisar Company Took Over the Red C and soc.culture.romanian itensify work
togheder with the Rabit CIA Comercial and Restarting the Rf Scaning
an Contract was sent by NSA CIA
on the Whalla Mail account with a Nicadrorial Treath if Leaving Finisar
aka Mandating to stay daily in Remote Accesed Finisar Testing Computer STATIONS
While in simultaneous Conected between controled from the same Mk Rf HBS terror control room
Computers Data
and Mk Rf and Rf scaning the Brain and Body in order to purposedly to be made to make mistakes
according to the Nazies 4 Reich Holocaust of ] all Nonarians [Needed Items and related agenda ]

In the last weeks knowing [they] are loosing [they have performed another trick and have at nicadrorial coded day
treath to fire treath wich was renew last week most probably toward this moth end ]
All this [Wish Nicadrorial Trips and Codes and Contracts Keeping ] Me [Hostage Inside Finisar under Constant Rf Terrorism
or Nicadrorial Treath if ] Leave
Are by This Stoped Parked Aborted and Nulified and The Property Of Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal and Its
Planet Level Secret Intel Commando
and ICJ tribunal and ICC tribunal

The following [individuals ] are starting now under mandatory house arest without comunications [ Jerry Finisar CEO and local CEO and all their Computer System managers and fotographer and person conecting local Finisar to mk rf hbs command room and Jerrys intel handler ]
[They ] are all the property of
ICJ and ICC and PLSIT Tribunals
In all their places the PLSIT Tribunal will introduce today in order to close [finisar] its own PLSIT afilliated personal
All [finisar bank accounts and assets ] are by this frozen and owned by ICJ and

[end of ] entire humanity

See Addendum Data Please regarding the [Former German 4 Reich RFID Implanted Entire Population Arian Only ] Planet [ and 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln ]

Time Stamp of this post of no importance

This is after the end of [World War 3 ] Official Mandatory Protocol
Planet Level New UN and Intel



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
Loading Image... = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
Loading Image... = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
Loading Image... Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
Loading Image... The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
Loading Image... Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
Loading Image... NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
Loading Image... ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon Loading Image...
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
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http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
Loading Image... RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
Loading Image... V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
Loading Image... Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
Loading Image... The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
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[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57′N 6°58′E


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http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
Loading Image... V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
Loading Image... which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif



All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
nd any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an “adoption curve” that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item


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] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc

[World war 3 ] is history



The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ Loading Image... ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

Loading Image... AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
Loading Image... AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Loading Image... 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
Loading Image... Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 – 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
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Loading Image... AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
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Loading Image... aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
Loading Image... The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
Loading Image... same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Loading Image...
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ Loading Image...
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
Loading Image... Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

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Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

Loading Image... Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

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Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
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The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
Loading Image... shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
Loading Image... James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

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Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

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The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item
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http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf
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http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

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[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
Loading Image... Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

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[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Loading Image... Loading Image...
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ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Loading Image...
Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

Loading Image...
See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

Loading Image... aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ Loading Image...
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Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif Loading Image...
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and as well the sub judice former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ USA [4 Reich] total capitulation to UN is on now

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Parked 45 45 USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels and UN
and present and future UN

2014-06-30 18:56:23 UTC

Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 Loading Image... ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
Loading Image... Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
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Same Thing At Finisar
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Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
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Eqivalence Eqivalenta
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Loading Image... Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
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Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
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All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
nd any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history



The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45 capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

2014-07-01 17:39:53 UTC

Nonencoded Direct Meaning Only Unrelated To anything else All Data In This Post
Shall Be Made Immediately Available to any Researcher and Technical Person on the Entire New Planet In a Direct Concise Mode according to the Specific Field

Data Decoded Addendum

All this under the
International Law and Tribunals and
Technological Constitution and Medical Ethics Institute and all [World War 3 ] usenet protocols
etc etc and for Peacefull Reasons Only for the benefit of the entire Planet

Time Stamp of this post of no importance



QED [Self ANIHILATING WATERFALL Computer Rf Town and waterfall spieling holocaust all over = ]Here as well All Humans are RFID implanted
and each oane a [RFID Implanted Neuron Bit in this Town Level Computer Rf
ment to SelfHolocaust in to WaterFall Holocaust ]

The Total Proof here and
bellow in this post the Generic Computer Rf Towns Decoding PDF in order to understand this pictures set

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
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Pictures Providing Significant Clues that have allowed the decoding for all data regarding [4 Reich]
Most Important and significative
Concentrare Anormala de mare de melci plantati de nsa cu conhilie spirala
in Jurul anumitor sate arabe codate significativ dar nu numai
Anomalos Concentration of Spiral Type Snails Arround some significant encoded Arab Vilages Here
Snails Implanted by NSA
60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
See Bellow Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data
Stilp Electric Implantat in Sat Arabesc Care se Cheama Arian
Electrical Grid in a Arab Vilage Named Arian

Acelasi Lucru in acest context
Same Thing by Sciam
Most Important
Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices

Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
Buick Commercial Scientific American

Acelasi Lucru Plantat Aici in Oras
Same Thing Here In Town as Clock
Coca Cola Factory
Most Important
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Emblema unui Magazin de Computere Aici in Orash
An Computer Shop Insignia Here In the Town showing the Holocaust of all East by Neuron ^^^ Rf Computers
Computer Rf Town
Hitlers View Arhitecture Mirrored Trojan Park Azorim Hitler Swastica Building

Park Azorim View from FiberZone = Self Anihilating Waterfall
Highly Important
Argaman Fonts
Mer Company Sign
Coded Pictures Here Folder

Data for all Planet Mass Media In Direct Nonencoded decoded mode form today


Time Stamp for this post of no importance



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 http://s28.postimg.org/sytvzp02l/MIB.jpg ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
http://s3.postimg.org/n9awdm74z/23_911_AND_HOLOGRAPHIC_UP.jpg Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
Same Thing At Finisar
Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
Eqivalence Eqivalenta
http://s23.postimg.org/eypykvf2z/Parabola_By_CIA_Trick_of_taill.jpg Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans



The second International Hygiene Exhibition was held in 1930/31, in a building erected west
of the Großer Garten park according to plans designed by Wilhelm Kreis, which became the museum's permanent home.
One of the biggest attractions was, and remains, a transparent model of a human being, the Gläserner Mensch
or Transparent Man, of which many copies have subsequently been made for other museums.[4][5]
1931 + 2 = 1933 = Muie in Cur Twice by Rf and Hitler Rise To Power

All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
and any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history



The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45 capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

2014-07-05 12:04:19 UTC

Nonencoded Direct Meaning Only Unrelated To anything else All Data In This Post
Shall Be Made Immediately Available to any Researcher and Technical Person on the Entire New Planet In a Direct Concise Mode according to the Specific Field

New Data Decoded Addendum

All this under the
International Law and Tribunals and
Technological Constitution and Medical Ethics Institute and all [World War 3 ] usenet protocols
etc etc and for Peacefull Reasons Only for the benefit of the entire Planet

Time Stamp of this post of no importance



QED [Self ANIHILATING WATERFALL Computer Rf Town and waterfall spieling holocaust all over = ]Here as well All Humans are RFID implanted
and each oane a [RFID Implanted Neuron Bit in this Town Level Computer Rf
ment to SelfHolocaust in to WaterFall Holocaust ]

The Total Proof here and
bellow in this post the Generic Computer Rf Towns Decoding PDF in order to understand this pictures set

Case Study
QED Most Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/ Time Magazine Cover Begin
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/f16ks83c3/ Self Organized Criticality By Sciam

More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

http://postimg.org/image/7lnrezq53/ Who the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA pay attention to the Year Code

http://postimg.org/image/kbry49ixp/ ZChaos
Loading Image... Same Thing Implemented as a Buiding aka self anihilation

http://postimg.org/image/cdhyfuxsj/ Point aka Apogeus aka HoloPoint see bellow decoding

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927348,34.6436605,14z Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927368,34.6436605,5139m/data=!3m1!1e3 Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pc7czmgbb/ Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ Stargate Led + Bi aka Light + Bi aka Energy Rf Cupper Lasser + Muie In Cur
http://postimg.org/image/y5bpfkm59/ Park Azorim Lighting Post
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ Sciam 4 Reich Fiber Planet and German Light
http://postimg.org/image/wg2m7i6fx/ Sciam Nazi Concentrations Camps Human Head
http://postimg.org/image/84o7mpd0d/ Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/ ZZZZZ Self Anihilating Under Rf http://postimg.org/image/h62r0baxp/
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf to Brain

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser

Loading Image... Most Significative and Important Coded Item

http://postimg.org/image/v43ccehp3/ Sciam Planet of the Apes Heads aka 90 Deg ZChaos Planet
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf a Head Over the RFID implant
http://postimg.org/image/9hx23hgyf/ ZZZZZZ a head or a Mirrored Head Town
http://postimg.org/image/80z180c2f/ Book aka History Head By Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/57s1ir7kn/ Sciam Ko_Dac Library
http://postimg.org/image/w3b9p53br/ This is an Northern Entry and Since in a Head The Rf comes from above this is Waterfall the ^
http://postimg.org/image/uc9elbbbr/ Fluid Mechanics by Nazies aka same thing http://postimg.org/image/h0g7c48bb/
http://postimg.org/image/d21tvmu53/ Avalanche by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans By Sciam over Planet level Rf Computer
http://postimg.org/image/pbg98joyf/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans and Map Coloring Problem by the Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/44h3ya1p3/ Map Coloring Distruction at 12 by Arian Mer aka Rf Telecom

http://postimg.org/image/6oqixltef/ Coded Wall

http://postimg.org/image/bflt1vwuv/ An NSA left over Clue

http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas

http://postimg.org/image/5vbfnx567/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Field Fotography
http://postimg.org/image/5wldhc6zz/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Geometry and Stron Words aka Arm Strong
http://postimg.org/image/dwzo5tnxr/ Sciam Hasslblad 90 Deg View Photography Cammera
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Pluging in to the Brain at 90 Deg by Rf

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning

Related in some modes Coded Pictures Folder

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal
Init Inited Today Mandatory Public Official Massmedia Explanatory System for the
Entire RFID Implanted Israeli and Palestinian Populations + Personal Direction for each and any
RFID Implanted Person in Israel and Palestine regarding where and how etc it shall present itself for a
Free of Charge Correlated Health Check including Scaning for RFID implants
and where RFID Implants Found then Fizical Surgical Removal of the RFID Implants
All this by Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes Correlated Medical Services Hired and Checked
by the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire [Google Street View ]
over entire Planet Is Totally Blocked etc and is from this momment handled and owned by the
The New UN and Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission &
ICJ & ICC & PLSIT tribunals

Time Stamp for this post of no importance




Pictures Providing Significant Clues that have allowed the decoding for all data regarding [4 Reich]
Most Important and significative
Concentrare Anormala de mare de melci plantati de nsa cu conhilie spirala
in Jurul anumitor sate arabe codate significativ dar nu numai
Anomalos Concentration of Spiral Type Snails Arround some significant encoded Arab Vilages Here
Snails Implanted by NSA
60 years nazy 4 reich planet building

http://postimg.org/image/9ea7ur0tf/ Same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/noeq94aub/ Same thing by Sciam + See Bellow Iron Ball ZChaos Spring Planet
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
See Bellow Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data
Stilp Electric Implantat in Sat Arabesc Care se Cheama Arian
Electrical Grid in a Arab Vilage Named Arian

Acelasi Lucru in acest context
Same Thing by Sciam
Most Important
Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices

Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
Buick Commercial Scientific American

Acelasi Lucru Plantat Aici in Oras
Same Thing Here In Town as Clock
Coca Cola Factory
Most Important
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Emblema unui Magazin de Computere Aici in Orash
An Computer Shop Insignia Here In the Town showing the Holocaust of all East by Neuron ^^^ Rf Computers
Computer Rf Town
Hitlers View Arhitecture Mirrored Trojan Park Azorim Hitler Swastica Building

Park Azorim View from FiberZone = Self Anihilating Waterfall
Highly Important
Argaman Fonts
Mer Company Sign
Coded Pictures Here Folders

Data for all Planet Mass Media In Direct Nonencoded decoded mode form today


Time Stamp for this post of no importance



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 http://s28.postimg.org/sytvzp02l/MIB.jpg ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
http://s3.postimg.org/n9awdm74z/23_911_AND_HOLOGRAPHIC_UP.jpg Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
Same Thing At Finisar
Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
Eqivalence Eqivalenta
http://s23.postimg.org/eypykvf2z/Parabola_By_CIA_Trick_of_taill.jpg Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans



The second International Hygiene Exhibition was held in 1930/31, in a building erected west
of the Großer Garten park according to plans designed by Wilhelm Kreis, which became the museum's permanent home.
One of the biggest attractions was, and remains, a transparent model of a human being, the Gläserner Mensch
or Transparent Man, of which many copies have subsequently been made for other museums.[4][5]
1931 + 2 = 1933 = Muie in Cur Twice by Rf and Hitler Rise To Power


http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning


All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
and any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history




The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45 capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

2014-07-05 12:50:09 UTC
Just a New Important Decoding Addendum

QED [Self ANIHILATING WATERFALL Computer Rf Town and waterfall spieling holocaust all over = ]Here as well All Humans are RFID implanted
and each oane a [RFID Implanted Neuron Bit in this Town Level Computer Rf
ment to SelfHolocaust in to WaterFall Holocaust ]

The Total Proof here and
bellow in this post the Generic Computer Rf Towns Decoding PDF in order to understand this pictures set

Case Study
QED Most Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/ Time Magazine Cover Begin
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/f16ks83c3/ Self Organized Criticality By Sciam

More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

http://postimg.org/image/7lnrezq53/ Who the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA pay attention to the Year Code

http://postimg.org/image/kbry49ixp/ ZChaos
http://s13.postimg.org/h8bne4w47/DSCF0119.jpg Same Thing Implemented as a Buiding aka self anihilation

http://postimg.org/image/cdhyfuxsj/ Point aka Apogeus aka HoloPoint see bellow decoding

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927348,34.6436605,14z Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927368,34.6436605,5139m/data=!3m1!1e3 Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pc7czmgbb/ Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ Stargate Led + Bi aka Light + Bi aka Energy Rf Cupper Lasser + Muie In Cur
http://postimg.org/image/y5bpfkm59/ Park Azorim Lighting Post
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ Sciam 4 Reich Fiber Planet and German Light
http://postimg.org/image/wg2m7i6fx/ Sciam Nazi Concentrations Camps Human Head
http://postimg.org/image/84o7mpd0d/ Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/ ZZZZZ Self Anihilating Under Rf http://postimg.org/image/h62r0baxp/
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf to Brain

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser

http://s15.postimg.org/z3fiugza3/Loilita_town.jpg Most Significative and Important Coded Item

http://postimg.org/image/v43ccehp3/ Sciam Planet of the Apes Heads aka 90 Deg ZChaos Planet
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf a Head Over the RFID implant
http://postimg.org/image/9hx23hgyf/ ZZZZZZ a head or a Mirrored Head Town
http://postimg.org/image/80z180c2f/ Book aka History Head By Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/57s1ir7kn/ Sciam Ko_Dac Library
http://postimg.org/image/w3b9p53br/ This is an Northern Entry and Since in a Head The Rf comes from above this is Waterfall the ^
http://postimg.org/image/uc9elbbbr/ Fluid Mechanics by Nazies aka same thing http://postimg.org/image/h0g7c48bb/
http://postimg.org/image/d21tvmu53/ Avalanche by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans By Sciam over Planet level Rf Computer
http://postimg.org/image/pbg98joyf/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans and Map Coloring Problem by the Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/44h3ya1p3/ Map Coloring Distruction at 12 by Arian Mer aka Rf Telecom

http://postimg.org/image/6oqixltef/ Coded Wall

http://postimg.org/image/bflt1vwuv/ An NSA left over Clue ]

Super High Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas
http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 2 00 1 and as well twice Prabola and Twice 3.14 ka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 9 6 or 9/11 AKA ABOVE TT
14 Stays for 14 Words or 1977 Alice 24 Years Start and 3 are the Mirrored SS Castle SEE Bagdad coordinates Giza Coordinates etc

http://postimg.org/image/5vbfnx567/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Field Fotography
http://postimg.org/image/5wldhc6zz/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Geometry and Stron Words aka Arm Strong
http://postimg.org/image/dwzo5tnxr/ Sciam Hasslblad 90 Deg View Photography Cammera
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Pluging in to the Brain at 90 Deg by Rf

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning

Related in some modes Coded Pictures Folder

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal
Init Inited Today Mandatory Public Official Massmedia Explanatory System for the
Entire RFID Implanted Israeli and Palestinian Populations + Personal Direction for each and any
RFID Implanted Person in Israel and Palestine regarding where and how etc it shall present itself for a
Free of Charge Correlated Health Check including Scaning for RFID implants
and where RFID Implants Found then Fizical Surgical Removal of the RFID Implants
All this by Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes Correlated Medical Services Hired and Checked
by the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire [Google Street View ]
over entire Planet Is Totally Blocked etc and is from this momment handled and owned by the
The New UN and Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission &
ICJ & ICC & PLSIT tribunals

Time Stamp for this post of no importance




Pictures Providing Significant Clues that have allowed the decoding for all data regarding [4 Reich]
Most Important and significative
Concentrare Anormala de mare de melci plantati de nsa cu conhilie spirala
in Jurul anumitor sate arabe codate significativ dar nu numai
Anomalos Concentration of Spiral Type Snails Arround some significant encoded Arab Vilages Here
Snails Implanted by NSA
60 years nazy 4 reich planet building

http://postimg.org/image/9ea7ur0tf/ Same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/noeq94aub/ Same thing by Sciam + See Bellow Iron Ball ZChaos Spring Planet
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
See Bellow Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data
Stilp Electric Implantat in Sat Arabesc Care se Cheama Arian
Electrical Grid in a Arab Vilage Named Arian

Acelasi Lucru in acest context
Same Thing by Sciam
Most Important
Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices

Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
Buick Commercial Scientific American

Acelasi Lucru Plantat Aici in Oras
Same Thing Here In Town as Clock
Coca Cola Factory
Most Important
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Emblema unui Magazin de Computere Aici in Orash
An Computer Shop Insignia Here In the Town showing the Holocaust of all East by Neuron ^^^ Rf Computers
Computer Rf Town
Hitlers View Arhitecture Mirrored Trojan Park Azorim Hitler Swastica Building

Park Azorim View from FiberZone = Self Anihilating Waterfall
Highly Important
Argaman Fonts
Mer Company Sign
Coded Pictures Here Folders

Data for all Planet Mass Media In Direct Nonencoded decoded mode form today


Time Stamp for this post of no importance



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 http://s28.postimg.org/sytvzp02l/MIB.jpg ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
http://s3.postimg.org/n9awdm74z/23_911_AND_HOLOGRAPHIC_UP.jpg Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
Same Thing At Finisar
Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
Eqivalence Eqivalenta
http://s23.postimg.org/eypykvf2z/Parabola_By_CIA_Trick_of_taill.jpg Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans



The second International Hygiene Exhibition was held in 1930/31, in a building erected west
of the Großer Garten park according to plans designed by Wilhelm Kreis, which became the museum's permanent home.
One of the biggest attractions was, and remains, a transparent model of a human being, the Gläserner Mensch
or Transparent Man, of which many copies have subsequently been made for other museums.[4][5]
1931 + 2 = 1933 = Muie in Cur Twice by Rf and Hitler Rise To Power


http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning


All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
and any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history




The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45 capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

2014-07-06 07:06:35 UTC
Just Additional Important Decodings

QED [Self ANIHILATING WATERFALL Computer Rf Town and waterfall spieling holocaust all over = ]Here as well All Humans are RFID implanted
and each oane a [RFID Implanted Neuron Bit in this Town Level Computer Rf
ment to SelfHolocaust in to WaterFall Holocaust ]

The Total Proof here and
bellow in this post the Generic Computer Rf Towns Decoding PDF in order to understand this pictures set

Case Study
QED Most Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/ Time Magazine Cover Begin
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/f16ks83c3/ Self Organized Criticality By Sciam

More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

http://postimg.org/image/7lnrezq53/ Who the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA pay attention to the Year Code

http://postimg.org/image/kbry49ixp/ ZChaos
http://s13.postimg.org/h8bne4w47/DSCF0119.jpg Same Thing Implemented as a Buiding aka self anihilation

http://postimg.org/image/cdhyfuxsj/ Point aka Apogeus aka HoloPoint see bellow decoding

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927348,34.6436605,14z Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927368,34.6436605,5139m/data=!3m1!1e3 Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pc7czmgbb/ Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ Stargate Led + Bi aka Light + Bi aka Energy Rf Cupper Lasser + Muie In Cur
http://postimg.org/image/y5bpfkm59/ Park Azorim Lighting Post
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ Sciam 4 Reich Fiber Planet and German Light
http://postimg.org/image/wg2m7i6fx/ Sciam Nazi Concentrations Camps Human Head
http://postimg.org/image/84o7mpd0d/ Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/ ZZZZZ Self Anihilating Under Rf http://postimg.org/image/h62r0baxp/
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf to Brain

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser

http://s15.postimg.org/z3fiugza3/Loilita_town.jpg Most Significative and Important Coded Item

http://postimg.org/image/v43ccehp3/ Sciam Planet of the Apes Heads aka 90 Deg ZChaos Planet
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf a Head Over the RFID implant
http://postimg.org/image/9hx23hgyf/ ZZZZZZ a head or a Mirrored Head Town
http://postimg.org/image/80z180c2f/ Book aka History Head By Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/57s1ir7kn/ Sciam Ko_Dac Library
http://postimg.org/image/w3b9p53br/ This is an Northern Entry and Since in a Head The Rf comes from above this is Waterfall the ^
http://postimg.org/image/uc9elbbbr/ Fluid Mechanics by Nazies aka same thing http://postimg.org/image/h0g7c48bb/
http://postimg.org/image/d21tvmu53/ Avalanche by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans By Sciam over Planet level Rf Computer
http://postimg.org/image/pbg98joyf/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans and Map Coloring Problem by the Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/44h3ya1p3/ Map Coloring Distruction at 12 by Arian Mer aka Rf Telecom

http://postimg.org/image/6oqixltef/ Coded Wall

http://postimg.org/image/bflt1vwuv/ An NSA left over Clue ]

Super High Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas
http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 2 00 1 and as well twice Prabola and Twice 3.14 ka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 9 6 or 9/11 AKA ABOVE TT
14 Stays for 14 Words or 1977 Alice 24 Years Start and 3 are the Mirrored SS Castle SEE Bagdad coordinates Giza Coordinates etc

http://postimg.org/image/5vbfnx567/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Field Fotography
http://postimg.org/image/5wldhc6zz/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Geometry and Stron Words aka Arm Strong
http://postimg.org/image/dwzo5tnxr/ Sciam Hasslblad 90 Deg View Photography Cammera
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Pluging in to the Brain at 90 Deg by Rf

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning ]

Total QED again
[ Self Anihilating Town and Holocaust Amplifier
Pentru Nicadorul-Tomberg
Pentru Gfunar-Tomberg
Pentru Amoldei-Tomberg
Pentru Swrachelle-Tomberg
Pentru Arhanghelul-Tomberg
Pentru Luceafarul-Tomberg
Pentru Gogu-Tomberg
Pentru Codreanu-Tomberg
Pentru Ester1975-Tomberg
Pentru Mesterul-Tomberg
Ba Orashica, numai de potlogarie esti bun ca in rest esti un Mr.O (zero).
LUCIAN V.ORASHEL TOMBERG = Orashul este un HohenPoint aka Self ANIHILATING Sub Rf

Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ Fiber Planet
Orash = Town = 0 Zero the Hebrew Head aka Rosh also O Rashel aka Zero the Beach aka Romanian Curva aka Hebrew Zona
See Park Azorim FiberZone aka Atempt of Self Anihilation
http://postimg.org/image/n6rw5v6zb/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/dni7cejh3/ http://postimg.org/image/b3mkiavx3/
http://postimg.org/image/eypykvf2v/ http://postimg.org/image/d0jamvml3/ ]
Related in some modes Coded Pictures Folder
http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ruih3jas/8438421f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/ http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/
http://postimg.org/image/oglpp1r4n/b5848527/ http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/
http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/?code=ae7b5368
http://postimg.org/gallery/89rqpa66/43405bdb/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/ http://postimg.org/image/6xxgvdmzh/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/
http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/
http://postimg.org/image/cin35auyv/03999754/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1j93p0jg/89be708c/
http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/a9r2t76m/ed5fb6e5/ http://postimg.org/image/c20g3ge99/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/
http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ Important
http://postimg.org/image/5bnbpz27r/ http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/
http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
http://postimg.org/image/ctv45gv3z/ http://postimg.org/gallery/6hbdbn1a/5ddb1ecd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/gallery/541fb52y/3b6d8c20/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2yp5td1i/2478bc30/
http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1w4dyibtk/5c18f934/
http://postimg.org/image/gp1i79lch/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal
Init Inited Today Mandatory Public Official Massmedia Explanatory System for the
Entire RFID Implanted Israeli and Palestinian Populations + Personal Direction for each and any
RFID Implanted Person in Israel and Palestine regarding where and how etc it shall present itself for a
Free of Charge Correlated Health Check including Scaning for RFID implants
and where RFID Implants Found then Fizical Surgical Removal of the RFID Implants
All this by Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes Correlated Medical Services Hired and Checked
by the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire [Google Street View ]
over entire Planet Is Totally Blocked etc and is from this momment handled and owned by the
The New UN and Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission &
ICJ & ICC & PLSIT tribunals

Time Stamp for this post of no importance




Pictures Providing Significant Clues that have allowed the decoding for all data regarding [4 Reich]
Most Important and significative
Concentrare Anormala de mare de melci plantati de nsa cu conhilie spirala
in Jurul anumitor sate arabe codate significativ dar nu numai
Anomalos Concentration of Spiral Type Snails Arround some significant encoded Arab Vilages Here
Snails Implanted by NSA
60 years nazy 4 reich planet building

http://postimg.org/image/9ea7ur0tf/ Same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/noeq94aub/ Same thing by Sciam + See Bellow Iron Ball ZChaos Spring Planet
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
See Bellow Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data
Stilp Electric Implantat in Sat Arabesc Care se Cheama Arian
Electrical Grid in a Arab Vilage Named Arian

Acelasi Lucru in acest context
Same Thing by Sciam
Most Important
Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices

Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
Buick Commercial Scientific American

Acelasi Lucru Plantat Aici in Oras
Same Thing Here In Town as Clock
Coca Cola Factory
Most Important
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Emblema unui Magazin de Computere Aici in Orash
An Computer Shop Insignia Here In the Town showing the Holocaust of all East by Neuron ^^^ Rf Computers
Computer Rf Town
Hitlers View Arhitecture Mirrored Trojan Park Azorim Hitler Swastica Building

Park Azorim View from FiberZone = Self Anihilating Waterfall
Highly Important
Argaman Fonts
Mer Company Sign
Coded Pictures Here Folders

Data for all Planet Mass Media In Direct Nonencoded decoded mode form today


Time Stamp for this post of no importance



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 http://s28.postimg.org/sytvzp02l/MIB.jpg ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
http://s3.postimg.org/n9awdm74z/23_911_AND_HOLOGRAPHIC_UP.jpg Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
Same Thing At Finisar
Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
Eqivalence Eqivalenta
http://s23.postimg.org/eypykvf2z/Parabola_By_CIA_Trick_of_taill.jpg Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans



The second International Hygiene Exhibition was held in 1930/31, in a building erected west
of the Großer Garten park according to plans designed by Wilhelm Kreis, which became the museum's permanent home.
One of the biggest attractions was, and remains, a transparent model of a human being, the Gläserner Mensch
or Transparent Man, of which many copies have subsequently been made for other museums.[4][5]
1931 + 2 = 1933 = Muie in Cur Twice by Rf and Hitler Rise To Power


http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning


All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
and any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history




The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45 capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

2014-07-07 02:05:09 UTC

Nonencoded Direct Meaning Only Unrelated To anything else All Data In This Post
Shall Be Made Immediately Available to any Researcher and Technical Person on the Entire New Planet In a Direct Concise Mode according to the Specific Field

All this under the
International Law and Tribunals and
Technological Constitution and Medical Ethics Institute and all [World War 3 ] usenet protocols
etc etc and for Peacefull Reasons Only for the benefit of the entire Planet

Additional Decoded Data

Time Stamp of this post of no importance



QED [Self ANIHILATING WATERFALL Computer Rf Town and waterfall spieling holocaust all over = ]Here as well All Humans are RFID implanted
and each oane a [RFID Implanted Neuron Bit in this Town Level Computer Rf
ment to SelfHolocaust in to WaterFall Holocaust ]

The Total Proof here and
bellow in this post the Generic Computer Rf Towns Decoding PDF in order to understand this pictures set

Case Study
QED Most Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/ Time Magazine Cover Begin
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/f16ks83c3/ Self Organized Criticality By Sciam

More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

http://postimg.org/image/7lnrezq53/ Who the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA pay attention to the Year Code

http://postimg.org/image/kbry49ixp/ ZChaos
http://s13.postimg.org/h8bne4w47/DSCF0119.jpg Same Thing Implemented as a Buiding aka self anihilation

http://postimg.org/image/cdhyfuxsj/ Point aka Apogeus aka HoloPoint see bellow decoding

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927348,34.6436605,14z Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927368,34.6436605,5139m/data=!3m1!1e3 Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pc7czmgbb/ Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ Stargate Led + Bi aka Light + Bi aka Energy Rf Cupper Lasser + Muie In Cur
http://postimg.org/image/y5bpfkm59/ Park Azorim Lighting Post
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ Sciam 4 Reich Fiber Planet and German Light
http://postimg.org/image/wg2m7i6fx/ Sciam Nazi Concentrations Camps Human Head
http://postimg.org/image/84o7mpd0d/ Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/ ZZZZZ Self Anihilating Under Rf http://postimg.org/image/h62r0baxp/
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf to Brain

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser

http://s15.postimg.org/z3fiugza3/Loilita_town.jpg Most Significative and Important Coded Item

http://postimg.org/image/v43ccehp3/ Sciam Planet of the Apes Heads aka 90 Deg ZChaos Planet
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf a Head Over the RFID implant
http://postimg.org/image/9hx23hgyf/ ZZZZZZ a head or a Mirrored Head Town
http://postimg.org/image/80z180c2f/ Book aka History Head By Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/57s1ir7kn/ Sciam Ko_Dac Library
http://postimg.org/image/w3b9p53br/ This is an Northern Entry and Since in a Head The Rf comes from above this is Waterfall the ^
http://postimg.org/image/uc9elbbbr/ Fluid Mechanics by Nazies aka same thing http://postimg.org/image/h0g7c48bb/
http://postimg.org/image/d21tvmu53/ Avalanche by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans By Sciam over Planet level Rf Computer
http://postimg.org/image/pbg98joyf/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans and Map Coloring Problem by the Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/44h3ya1p3/ Map Coloring Distruction at 12 by Arian Mer aka Rf Telecom

http://postimg.org/image/6oqixltef/ Coded Wall

http://postimg.org/image/bflt1vwuv/ An NSA left over Clue ]

Super High Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas
http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 2 00 1 and as well twice Prabola and Twice 3.14 ka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 9 6 or 9/11 AKA ABOVE TT
14 Stays for 14 Words or 1977 Alice 24 Years Start and 3 are the Mirrored SS Castle SEE Bagdad coordinates Giza Coordinates etc http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/

http://postimg.org/image/5vbfnx567/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Field Fotography
http://postimg.org/image/5wldhc6zz/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Geometry and Stron Words aka Arm Strong
http://postimg.org/image/dwzo5tnxr/ Sciam Hasslblad 90 Deg View Photography Cammera
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Pluging in to the Brain at 90 Deg by Rf

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning ]

Total QED again
[ Self Anihilating Town and Holocaust Amplifier
Pentru Nicadorul-Tomberg
Pentru Gfunar-Tomberg
Pentru Amoldei-Tomberg
Pentru Swrachelle-Tomberg
Pentru Arhanghelul-Tomberg
Pentru Luceafarul-Tomberg
Pentru Gogu-Tomberg
Pentru Codreanu-Tomberg
Pentru Ester1975-Tomberg
Pentru Mesterul-Tomberg
Ba Orashica, numai de potlogarie esti bun ca in rest esti un Mr.O (zero).
LUCIAN V.ORASHEL TOMBERG = Orashul este un HohenPoint aka Self ANIHILATING Sub Rf

Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ Fiber Planet
Orash = Town = 0 Zero the Hebrew Head aka Rosh also O Rashel aka Zero the Beach aka Romanian Curva aka Hebrew Zona
See Park Azorim FiberZone aka Atempt of Self Anihilation
http://postimg.org/image/n6rw5v6zb/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/dni7cejh3/ http://postimg.org/image/b3mkiavx3/
http://postimg.org/image/eypykvf2v/ http://postimg.org/image/d0jamvml3/ ]
Related in some modes Coded Pictures Folder
http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ruih3jas/8438421f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/ http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/
http://postimg.org/image/oglpp1r4n/b5848527/ http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/
http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/?code=ae7b5368
http://postimg.org/gallery/89rqpa66/43405bdb/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/ http://postimg.org/image/6xxgvdmzh/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/
http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/
http://postimg.org/image/cin35auyv/03999754/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1j93p0jg/89be708c/
http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/a9r2t76m/ed5fb6e5/ http://postimg.org/image/c20g3ge99/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/
http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ Important
http://postimg.org/image/5bnbpz27r/ http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/
http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
http://postimg.org/image/ctv45gv3z/ http://postimg.org/gallery/6hbdbn1a/5ddb1ecd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/gallery/541fb52y/3b6d8c20/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2yp5td1i/2478bc30/
http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1w4dyibtk/5c18f934/
http://postimg.org/image/gp1i79lch/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal
Init Inited Today Mandatory Public Official Massmedia Explanatory System for the
Entire RFID Implanted Israeli and Palestinian Populations + Personal Direction for each and any
RFID Implanted Person in Israel and Palestine regarding where and how etc it shall present itself for a
Free of Charge Correlated Health Check including Scaning for RFID implants
and where RFID Implants Found then Fizical Surgical Removal of the RFID Implants
All this by Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes Correlated Medical Services Hired and Checked
by the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire [Google Street View ]
over entire Planet Is Totally Blocked etc and is from this momment handled and owned by the
The New UN and Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission &
ICJ & ICC & PLSIT tribunals

Time Stamp for this post of no importance




Pictures Providing Significant Clues that have allowed the decoding for all data regarding [4 Reich]
Most Important and significative
Concentrare Anormala de mare de melci plantati de nsa cu conhilie spirala
in Jurul anumitor sate arabe codate significativ dar nu numai
Anomalos Concentration of Spiral Type Snails Arround some significant encoded Arab Vilages Here
Snails Implanted by NSA
60 years nazy 4 reich planet building

http://postimg.org/image/9ea7ur0tf/ Same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/noeq94aub/ Same thing by Sciam + See Bellow Iron Ball ZChaos Spring Planet
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
See Bellow Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data
Stilp Electric Implantat in Sat Arabesc Care se Cheama Arian
Electrical Grid in a Arab Vilage Named Arian

Acelasi Lucru in acest context
Same Thing by Sciam
Most Important
Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices

Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
Buick Commercial Scientific American

Acelasi Lucru Plantat Aici in Oras
Same Thing Here In Town as Clock
Coca Cola Factory
Most Important
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Emblema unui Magazin de Computere Aici in Orash
An Computer Shop Insignia Here In the Town showing the Holocaust of all East by Neuron ^^^ Rf Computers
Computer Rf Town
Hitlers View Arhitecture Mirrored Trojan Park Azorim Hitler Swastica Building

Park Azorim View from FiberZone = Self Anihilating Waterfall
Highly Important
Argaman Fonts
Mer Company Sign
Coded Pictures Here Folders

Data for all Planet Mass Media In Direct Nonencoded decoded mode form today


Time Stamp for this post of no importance



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 http://s28.postimg.org/sytvzp02l/MIB.jpg ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
http://s3.postimg.org/n9awdm74z/23_911_AND_HOLOGRAPHIC_UP.jpg Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
Same Thing At Finisar
Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
Eqivalence Eqivalenta
http://s23.postimg.org/eypykvf2z/Parabola_By_CIA_Trick_of_taill.jpg Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans



The second International Hygiene Exhibition was held in 1930/31, in a building erected west
of the Großer Garten park according to plans designed by Wilhelm Kreis, which became the museum's permanent home.
One of the biggest attractions was, and remains, a transparent model of a human being, the Gläserner Mensch
or Transparent Man, of which many copies have subsequently been made for other museums.[4][5]
1931 + 2 = 1933 = Muie in Cur Twice by Rf and Hitler Rise To Power


http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning


All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
and any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history




The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/ http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/ http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ ?
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[ http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/ http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/b2ce5955/
http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ http://postimg.org/image/tlgb1as73/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/
http://postimg.org/image/u0ry8juvr/ http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/image/suxlkm2af/ http://postimg.org/image/mv9ugyhhz/
http://postimg.org/image/ef61autjr/ http://postimg.org/image/42tdzmvpz/ http://postimg.org/image/c9ipu2z5p/ http://postimg.org/image/azi50t4xr/
http://postimg.org/image/d1imf22wv/ http://postimg.org/image/f0cpt4v9b/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/
http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ See IBM c Building
http://postimg.org/image/qswu3f9un/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/ http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/b2ce5955/
http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qHPYyFSRv2c/Yv6YZehC_nwJ [ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ ]
[Traducere conform babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt si in scr context este egal cu HoloPoint a lui Dror ]

[ 1967 Sciam Holographic Chess http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
Park Azorim German Chess Pices http://postimg.org/image/tlgb1as73/ = http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/ = http://postimg.org/image/uiy7q85br/
http://postimg.org/image/dbhs4j0gn/ MIT Mark Lucent Holography = http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ = same thing in Holographic terms http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ by Rf
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ytBsdd_ik34/yFIxL4gKg_IJ [Frankfurt Holography http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ ]
QED [HOLOGRAPHY AT 12 BY 118 AKA Hail Hitler http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/ http://postimg.org/image/3swnre2s9/cd969261/ ]

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations


Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols from this momment
[Any and all Wish Cenzoring of the Mk Rf Human Behavior Specialists Terror Systems & Terrorist Rf Scaning
over RFID implanted Humans] = War Crime By Law

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire control and situation
in the Ashdod Town and Park Azorim Petah Tikva and Azrieli Towers Hulon is handled from this momment starting this momment
by The New UN &

Toata Populatia USA si Europa este RFID implantata in secret =Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes
mandatory toate arhivele fostului [nsa] devin prin asta proprietatea Planet Level Secret Inel Tribunal
si a USA tribunals

QED [Google Street View este noua generatie de Conceptual Mk Rf Psy Cores wish facute Ad Hoc in Real Time
la orice locatie care a fost Scaned Photografiata De Google Street View si este sub Mobile Antenas Rf Pentru a
Facilita Self anihilation Holo ]

Winston Churchill Speech "The German State Has Surrendered" 8th May 1945

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice ICJ ICC PLSIT Tribunal Owned as [Criminals] former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and dispersion and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today 25 June 2014 [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45
capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

2014-07-07 19:00:15 UTC

Nonencoded Direct Meaning Only Unrelated To anything else All Data In This Post
Shall Be Made Immediately Available to any Researcher and Technical Person on the Entire New Planet In a Direct Concise Mode according to the Specific Field

All this under the
International Law and Tribunals and
Technological Constitution and Medical Ethics Institute and all [World War 3 ] usenet protocols
etc etc and for Peacefull Reasons Only for the benefit of the entire Planet

Additional Decoded Data

Time Stamp of this post of no importance



QED [Self ANIHILATING WATERFALL Computer Rf Town and waterfall spieling holocaust all over = ]Here as well All Humans are RFID implanted
and each oane a [RFID Implanted Neuron Bit in this Town Level Computer Rf
ment to SelfHolocaust in to WaterFall Holocaust ]

The Total Proof here and
bellow in this post the Generic Computer Rf Towns Decoding PDF in order to understand this pictures set

Case Study
QED Most Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/ Time Magazine Cover Begin
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/f16ks83c3/ Self Organized Criticality By Sciam

More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

http://postimg.org/image/7lnrezq53/ Who the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA pay attention to the Year Code

http://postimg.org/image/kbry49ixp/ ZChaos
http://s13.postimg.org/h8bne4w47/DSCF0119.jpg Same Thing Implemented as a Buiding aka self anihilation

http://postimg.org/image/cdhyfuxsj/ Point aka Apogeus aka HoloPoint see bellow decoding

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927348,34.6436605,14z Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927368,34.6436605,5139m/data=!3m1!1e3 Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pc7czmgbb/ Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ Stargate Led + Bi aka Light + Bi aka Energy Rf Cupper Lasser + Muie In Cur
http://postimg.org/image/y5bpfkm59/ Park Azorim Lighting Post
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ Sciam 4 Reich Fiber Planet and German Light
http://postimg.org/image/wg2m7i6fx/ Sciam Nazi Concentrations Camps Human Head
http://postimg.org/image/84o7mpd0d/ Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/ ZZZZZ Self Anihilating Under Rf http://postimg.org/image/h62r0baxp/
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf to Brain

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser

http://s15.postimg.org/z3fiugza3/Loilita_town.jpg Most Significative and Important Coded Item

http://postimg.org/image/v43ccehp3/ Sciam Planet of the Apes Heads aka 90 Deg ZChaos Planet
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf a Head Over the RFID implant
http://postimg.org/image/9hx23hgyf/ ZZZZZZ a head or a Mirrored Head Town
http://postimg.org/image/80z180c2f/ Book aka History Head By Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/57s1ir7kn/ Sciam Ko_Dac Library
http://postimg.org/image/w3b9p53br/ This is an Northern Entry and Since in a Head The Rf comes from above this is Waterfall the ^
http://postimg.org/image/uc9elbbbr/ Fluid Mechanics by Nazies aka same thing http://postimg.org/image/h0g7c48bb/
http://postimg.org/image/d21tvmu53/ Avalanche by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans By Sciam over Planet level Rf Computer
http://postimg.org/image/pbg98joyf/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans and Map Coloring Problem by the Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/44h3ya1p3/ Map Coloring Distruction at 12 by Arian Mer aka Rf Telecom

http://postimg.org/image/6oqixltef/ Coded Wall

http://postimg.org/image/bflt1vwuv/ An NSA left over Clue ]

Super High Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas
http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 2 00 1 and as well twice Prabola and Twice 3.14 ka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 9 6 or 9/11 AKA ABOVE TT
14 Stays for 14 Words or 1977 Alice 24 Years Start and 3 are the Mirrored SS Castle SEE Bagdad coordinates Giza Coordinates etc http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/

http://postimg.org/image/5vbfnx567/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Field Fotography
http://postimg.org/image/5wldhc6zz/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Geometry and Stron Words aka Arm Strong
http://postimg.org/image/dwzo5tnxr/ Sciam Hasslblad 90 Deg View Photography Cammera
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Pluging in to the Brain at 90 Deg by Rf

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning ]

Total QED again
[ Self Anihilating Town and Holocaust Amplifier
Pentru Nicadorul-Tomberg
Pentru Gfunar-Tomberg
Pentru Amoldei-Tomberg
Pentru Swrachelle-Tomberg
Pentru Arhanghelul-Tomberg
Pentru Luceafarul-Tomberg
Pentru Gogu-Tomberg
Pentru Codreanu-Tomberg
Pentru Ester1975-Tomberg
Pentru Mesterul-Tomberg
Ba Orashica, numai de potlogarie esti bun ca in rest esti un Mr.O (zero).
LUCIAN V.ORASHEL TOMBERG = Orashul este un HohenPoint aka Self ANIHILATING Sub Rf

Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ Fiber Planet
Orash = Town = 0 Zero the Hebrew Head aka Rosh also O Rashel aka Zero the Beach aka Romanian Curva aka Hebrew Zona
See Park Azorim FiberZone aka Atempt of Self Anihilation
http://postimg.org/image/n6rw5v6zb/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/dni7cejh3/ http://postimg.org/image/b3mkiavx3/
http://postimg.org/image/eypykvf2v/ http://postimg.org/image/d0jamvml3/ ]
Related in some modes Coded Pictures Folder
http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ruih3jas/8438421f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/ http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/
http://postimg.org/image/oglpp1r4n/b5848527/ http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/
http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/?code=ae7b5368
http://postimg.org/gallery/89rqpa66/43405bdb/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/ http://postimg.org/image/6xxgvdmzh/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/
http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/
http://postimg.org/image/cin35auyv/03999754/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1j93p0jg/89be708c/
http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/a9r2t76m/ed5fb6e5/ http://postimg.org/image/c20g3ge99/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/
http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ Important
http://postimg.org/image/5bnbpz27r/ http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/
http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
http://postimg.org/image/ctv45gv3z/ http://postimg.org/gallery/6hbdbn1a/5ddb1ecd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/gallery/541fb52y/3b6d8c20/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2yp5td1i/2478bc30/
http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1w4dyibtk/5c18f934/
http://postimg.org/image/gp1i79lch/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal
Init Inited Today Mandatory Public Official Massmedia Explanatory System for the
Entire RFID Implanted Israeli and Palestinian Populations + Personal Direction for each and any
RFID Implanted Person in Israel and Palestine regarding where and how etc it shall present itself for a
Free of Charge Correlated Health Check including Scaning for RFID implants
and where RFID Implants Found then Fizical Surgical Removal of the RFID Implants
All this by Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes Correlated Medical Services Hired and Checked
by the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire [Google Street View ]
over entire Planet Is Totally Blocked etc and is from this momment handled and owned by the
The New UN and Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission &
ICJ & ICC & PLSIT tribunals

Time Stamp for this post of no importance




Pictures Providing Significant Clues that have allowed the decoding for all data regarding [4 Reich]
Most Important and significative
Concentrare Anormala de mare de melci plantati de nsa cu conhilie spirala
in Jurul anumitor sate arabe codate significativ dar nu numai
Anomalos Concentration of Spiral Type Snails Arround some significant encoded Arab Vilages Here
Snails Implanted by NSA
60 years nazy 4 reich planet building

http://postimg.org/image/9ea7ur0tf/ Same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/noeq94aub/ Same thing by Sciam + See Bellow Iron Ball ZChaos Spring Planet
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
See Bellow Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data
Stilp Electric Implantat in Sat Arabesc Care se Cheama Arian
Electrical Grid in a Arab Vilage Named Arian

Acelasi Lucru in acest context
Same Thing by Sciam
Most Important
Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices

Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
Buick Commercial Scientific American

Acelasi Lucru Plantat Aici in Oras
Same Thing Here In Town as Clock
Coca Cola Factory
Most Important
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Emblema unui Magazin de Computere Aici in Orash
An Computer Shop Insignia Here In the Town showing the Holocaust of all East by Neuron ^^^ Rf Computers
Computer Rf Town
Hitlers View Arhitecture Mirrored Trojan Park Azorim Hitler Swastica Building

Park Azorim View from FiberZone = Self Anihilating Waterfall
Highly Important
Argaman Fonts
Mer Company Sign
Coded Pictures Here Folders

Data for all Planet Mass Media In Direct Nonencoded decoded mode form today


Time Stamp for this post of no importance



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 http://s28.postimg.org/sytvzp02l/MIB.jpg ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
http://s3.postimg.org/n9awdm74z/23_911_AND_HOLOGRAPHIC_UP.jpg Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
Same Thing At Finisar
Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
Eqivalence Eqivalenta
http://s23.postimg.org/eypykvf2z/Parabola_By_CIA_Trick_of_taill.jpg Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans



The second International Hygiene Exhibition was held in 1930/31, in a building erected west
of the Großer Garten park according to plans designed by Wilhelm Kreis, which became the museum's permanent home.
One of the biggest attractions was, and remains, a transparent model of a human being, the Gläserner Mensch
or Transparent Man, of which many copies have subsequently been made for other museums.[4][5]
1931 + 2 = 1933 = Muie in Cur Twice by Rf and Hitler Rise To Power


http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning


All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
and any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history




The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/ http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/ http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ ?
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[ http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/ http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/b2ce5955/
http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ http://postimg.org/image/tlgb1as73/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/
http://postimg.org/image/u0ry8juvr/ http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/image/suxlkm2af/ http://postimg.org/image/mv9ugyhhz/
http://postimg.org/image/ef61autjr/ http://postimg.org/image/42tdzmvpz/ http://postimg.org/image/c9ipu2z5p/ http://postimg.org/image/azi50t4xr/
http://postimg.org/image/d1imf22wv/ http://postimg.org/image/f0cpt4v9b/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/
http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ See IBM c Building
http://postimg.org/image/qswu3f9un/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/ http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/b2ce5955/
http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qHPYyFSRv2c/Yv6YZehC_nwJ [ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ ]
[Traducere conform babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt si in scr context este egal cu HoloPoint a lui Dror ]

[ 1967 Sciam Holographic Chess http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
Park Azorim German Chess Pices http://postimg.org/image/tlgb1as73/ = http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/ = http://postimg.org/image/uiy7q85br/
http://postimg.org/image/dbhs4j0gn/ MIT Mark Lucent Holography = http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ = same thing in Holographic terms http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ by Rf
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ytBsdd_ik34/yFIxL4gKg_IJ [Frankfurt Holography http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ ]
QED [HOLOGRAPHY AT 12 BY 118 AKA Hail Hitler http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/ http://postimg.org/image/3swnre2s9/cd969261/ ]

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

[ Loading Image... Loading Image...
Loading Image... Loading Image...
Loading Image... Loading Image...
Loading Image... Loading Image...
Loading Image... Loading Image...
Loading Image... Loading Image...
Loading Image... Related Coded Pictures ] Decoded

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols from this momment
[Any and all Wish Cenzoring of the Mk Rf Human Behavior Specialists Terror Systems & Terrorist Rf Scaning
over RFID implanted Humans] = War Crime By Law

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire control and situation
in the Ashdod Town and Park Azorim Petah Tikva and Azrieli Towers Hulon is handled from this momment starting this momment
by The New UN &

Toata Populatia USA si Europa este RFID implantata in secret =Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes
mandatory toate arhivele fostului [nsa] devin prin asta proprietatea Planet Level Secret Inel Tribunal
si a USA tribunals

QED [Google Street View este noua generatie de Conceptual Mk Rf Psy Cores wish facute Ad Hoc in Real Time
la orice locatie care a fost Scaned Photografiata De Google Street View si este sub Mobile Antenas Rf Pentru a
Facilita Self anihilation Holo ]

[Razboiul Mondial de 100 de ani compus din Primula Razboi Mondial condus dus de Germania
si de Al Doilea si Razboiul Rece si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial Conduse de German Nazies contra ]
Planetei si a intregii Umanitatii Sa terminat pe 25 Iunie 2014

Winston Churchill Speech "The German State Has Surrendered" 8th May 1945

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice ICJ ICC PLSIT Tribunal Owned as [Criminals] former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and dispersion and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today 25 June 2014 [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45
capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

2014-07-08 16:23:22 UTC

Nonencoded Direct Meaning Only Unrelated To anything else All Data In This Post
Shall Be Made Immediately Available to any Researcher and Technical Person on the Entire New Planet In a Direct Concise Mode according to the Specific Field

All this under the
International Law and Tribunals and
Technological Constitution and Medical Ethics Institute and all [World War 3 ] usenet protocols
etc etc and for Peacefull Reasons Only for the benefit of the entire Planet

Additional Decoded Data again

Time Stamp of this post of no importance



QED [Self ANIHILATING WATERFALL Computer Rf Town and waterfall spieling holocaust all over = ]Here as well All Humans are RFID implanted
and each oane a [RFID Implanted Neuron Bit in this Town Level Computer Rf
ment to SelfHolocaust in to WaterFall Holocaust ]

The Total Proof here and
bellow in this post the Generic Computer Rf Towns Decoding PDF in order to understand this pictures set

Case Study
QED Most Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/ Time Magazine Cover Begin
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/f16ks83c3/ Self Organized Criticality By Sciam

More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

http://postimg.org/image/7lnrezq53/ Who the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA pay attention to the Year Code
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ The Fiber Planet by the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA

http://postimg.org/image/kbry49ixp/ ZChaos
http://s13.postimg.org/h8bne4w47/DSCF0119.jpg Same Thing Implemented as a Buiding aka self anihilation

http://postimg.org/image/cdhyfuxsj/ Point aka Apogeus aka HoloPoint see bellow decoding

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927348,34.6436605,14z Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927368,34.6436605,5139m/data=!3m1!1e3 Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pc7czmgbb/ Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ Stargate Led + Bi aka Light + Bi aka Energy Rf Cupper Lasser + Muie In Cur
http://postimg.org/image/y5bpfkm59/ Park Azorim Lighting Post
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ Sciam 4 Reich Fiber Planet and German Light
http://postimg.org/image/wg2m7i6fx/ Sciam Nazi Concentrations Camps Human Head
http://postimg.org/image/84o7mpd0d/ Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/ ZZZZZ Self Anihilating Under Rf http://postimg.org/image/h62r0baxp/
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf to Brain

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser

http://s15.postimg.org/z3fiugza3/Loilita_town.jpg Most Significative and Important Coded Item

http://postimg.org/image/v43ccehp3/ Sciam Planet of the Apes Heads aka 90 Deg ZChaos Planet
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf a Head Over the RFID implant
http://postimg.org/image/9hx23hgyf/ ZZZZZZ a head or a Mirrored Head Town
http://postimg.org/image/80z180c2f/ Book aka History Head By Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/57s1ir7kn/ Sciam Ko_Dac Library
http://postimg.org/image/w3b9p53br/ This is an Northern Entry and Since in a Head The Rf comes from above this is Waterfall the ^
http://postimg.org/image/uc9elbbbr/ Fluid Mechanics by Nazies aka same thing http://postimg.org/image/h0g7c48bb/
http://postimg.org/image/d21tvmu53/ Avalanche by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans By Sciam over Planet level Rf Computer
http://postimg.org/image/pbg98joyf/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans and Map Coloring Problem by the Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/44h3ya1p3/ Map Coloring Distruction at 12 by Arian Mer aka Rf Telecom

http://postimg.org/image/6oqixltef/ Coded Wall

http://postimg.org/image/bflt1vwuv/ An NSA left over Clue ]

Super High Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas
http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 2 00 1 and as well twice Prabola and Twice 3.14 ka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 9 6 or 9/11 AKA ABOVE TT
14 Stays for 14 Words or 1977 Alice 24 Years Start and 3 are the Mirrored SS Castle SEE Bagdad coordinates Giza Coordinates etc http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/

http://postimg.org/image/5vbfnx567/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Field Fotography
http://postimg.org/image/5wldhc6zz/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Geometry and Stron Words aka Arm Strong
http://postimg.org/image/dwzo5tnxr/ Sciam Hasslblad 90 Deg View Photography Cammera
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Pluging in to the Brain at 90 Deg by Rf

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning ]

Total QED again
[ Self Anihilating Town and Holocaust Amplifier
Pentru Nicadorul-Tomberg
Pentru Gfunar-Tomberg
Pentru Amoldei-Tomberg
Pentru Swrachelle-Tomberg
Pentru Arhanghelul-Tomberg
Pentru Luceafarul-Tomberg
Pentru Gogu-Tomberg
Pentru Codreanu-Tomberg
Pentru Ester1975-Tomberg
Pentru Mesterul-Tomberg
Ba Orashica, numai de potlogarie esti bun ca in rest esti un Mr.O (zero).
LUCIAN V.ORASHEL TOMBERG = Orashul este un HohenPoint aka Self ANIHILATING Sub Rf

Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ Fiber Planet
Orash = Town = 0 Zero the Hebrew Head aka Rosh also O Rashel aka Zero the Beach aka Romanian Curva aka Hebrew Zona
See Park Azorim FiberZone aka Atempt of Self Anihilation http://www.fiberzone-networks.com/ http://www.fiberzone-networks.com/about/about.php
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ The Fiber Planet
http://postimg.org/image/n6rw5v6zb/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/dni7cejh3/ http://postimg.org/image/b3mkiavx3/
http://postimg.org/image/eypykvf2v/ http://postimg.org/image/d0jamvml3/ ]
Related in some modes Coded Pictures Folders
Very Important folder http://postimg.org/gallery/at7gq8oc/84f453f3/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ruih3jas/8438421f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/ http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/
http://postimg.org/image/oglpp1r4n/b5848527/ http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/
http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/?code=ae7b5368
http://postimg.org/gallery/89rqpa66/43405bdb/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/ http://postimg.org/image/6xxgvdmzh/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/
http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/
http://postimg.org/image/cin35auyv/03999754/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1j93p0jg/89be708c/
http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/a9r2t76m/ed5fb6e5/ http://postimg.org/image/c20g3ge99/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/
http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ Important
http://postimg.org/image/5bnbpz27r/ http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/
http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
http://postimg.org/image/ctv45gv3z/ http://postimg.org/gallery/6hbdbn1a/5ddb1ecd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/gallery/541fb52y/3b6d8c20/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2yp5td1i/2478bc30/
http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1w4dyibtk/5c18f934/
http://postimg.org/image/gp1i79lch/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal
Init Inited Today Mandatory Public Official Massmedia Explanatory System for the
Entire RFID Implanted Israeli and Palestinian Populations + Personal Direction for each and any
RFID Implanted Person in Israel and Palestine regarding where and how etc it shall present itself for a
Free of Charge Correlated Health Check including Scaning for RFID implants
and where RFID Implants Found then Fizical Surgical Removal of the RFID Implants
All this by Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes Correlated Medical Services Hired and Checked
by the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire [Google Street View ]
over entire Planet Is Totally Blocked etc and is from this momment handled and owned by the
The New UN and Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission &
ICJ & ICC & PLSIT tribunals

Time Stamp for this post of no importance




Pictures Providing Significant Clues that have allowed the decoding for all data regarding [4 Reich]
Most Important and significative
Concentrare Anormala de mare de melci plantati de nsa cu conhilie spirala
in Jurul anumitor sate arabe codate significativ dar nu numai
Anomalos Concentration of Spiral Type Snails Arround some significant encoded Arab Vilages Here
Snails Implanted by NSA
60 years nazy 4 reich planet building

http://postimg.org/image/9ea7ur0tf/ Same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/noeq94aub/ Same thing by Sciam + See Bellow Iron Ball ZChaos Spring Planet
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
See Bellow Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data
Stilp Electric Implantat in Sat Arabesc Care se Cheama Arian
Electrical Grid in a Arab Vilage Named Arian

Acelasi Lucru in acest context
Same Thing by Sciam
Most Important
Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices

Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
Buick Commercial Scientific American

Acelasi Lucru Plantat Aici in Oras
Same Thing Here In Town as Clock
Coca Cola Factory
Most Important
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Emblema unui Magazin de Computere Aici in Orash
An Computer Shop Insignia Here In the Town showing the Holocaust of all East by Neuron ^^^ Rf Computers
Computer Rf Town
Hitlers View Arhitecture Mirrored Trojan Park Azorim Hitler Swastica Building

Park Azorim View from FiberZone = Self Anihilating Waterfall
Highly Important
Argaman Fonts
Mer Company Sign
Coded Pictures Here Folders

Data for all Planet Mass Media In Direct Nonencoded decoded mode form today


Time Stamp for this post of no importance



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 http://s28.postimg.org/sytvzp02l/MIB.jpg ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
http://s3.postimg.org/n9awdm74z/23_911_AND_HOLOGRAPHIC_UP.jpg Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
Same Thing At Finisar
Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
Eqivalence Eqivalenta
http://s23.postimg.org/eypykvf2z/Parabola_By_CIA_Trick_of_taill.jpg Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans



The second International Hygiene Exhibition was held in 1930/31, in a building erected west
of the Großer Garten park according to plans designed by Wilhelm Kreis, which became the museum's permanent home.
One of the biggest attractions was, and remains, a transparent model of a human being, the Gläserner Mensch
or Transparent Man, of which many copies have subsequently been made for other museums.[4][5]
1931 + 2 = 1933 = Muie in Cur Twice by Rf and Hitler Rise To Power


http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning

Very Important http://postimg.org/gallery/at7gq8oc/84f453f3/


All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
and any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc

[ Very Important http://postimg.org/gallery/at7gq8oc/84f453f3/ ]


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history




The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important http://postimg.org/gallery/at7gq8oc/84f453f3/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/ http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/ http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ ?
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[ http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/ http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/b2ce5955/
http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ http://postimg.org/image/tlgb1as73/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/
http://postimg.org/image/u0ry8juvr/ http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/image/suxlkm2af/ http://postimg.org/image/mv9ugyhhz/
http://postimg.org/image/ef61autjr/ http://postimg.org/image/42tdzmvpz/ http://postimg.org/image/c9ipu2z5p/ http://postimg.org/image/azi50t4xr/
http://postimg.org/image/d1imf22wv/ http://postimg.org/image/f0cpt4v9b/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/
http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ See IBM c Building
http://postimg.org/image/qswu3f9un/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/ http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/b2ce5955/
http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qHPYyFSRv2c/Yv6YZehC_nwJ [ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ ]
[Traducere conform babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt si in scr context este egal cu HoloPoint a lui Dror ]

[ 1967 Sciam Holographic Chess http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
Park Azorim German Chess Pices http://postimg.org/image/tlgb1as73/ = http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/ = http://postimg.org/image/uiy7q85br/
http://postimg.org/image/dbhs4j0gn/ MIT Mark Lucent Holography = http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ = same thing in Holographic terms http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ by Rf
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ytBsdd_ik34/yFIxL4gKg_IJ [Frankfurt Holography http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ ]
QED [HOLOGRAPHY AT 12 BY 118 AKA Hail Hitler http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/ http://postimg.org/image/3swnre2s9/cd969261/ ]

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

[ http://s9.postimg.org/ngdq9cju7/1967_02.gif http://s9.postimg.org/j8iy0lien/1967_023_2.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/xnro80gof/devil_advocate_ICE_SHO_E_HOLOCAUST.jpg http://s9.postimg.org/ek2y5et7z/Holocaust_at_45_etc_inc_horse_sho_e.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/gkthq8pdb/Horse_Sho_E_Forgeries.jpg http://s9.postimg.org/ob09vdrov/Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_or_false.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/r8snbc9yn/RFID_IMPLNTED_USA_AND_Europe_Population.gif http://s9.postimg.org/9hh0wvujz/Same_As_Fluid_Mec_Cover.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/fdfjy0z8v/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg http://s9.postimg.org/q7wzzyicv/show_holocaust_at_12.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/g48a3t1m7/Decoded_ZChaos_2001.gif http://s9.postimg.org/vutcxfkvj/DSCF1545.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/l5fo5692n/DSCF3711.jpg Related Coded Pictures ] Decoded

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols from this momment
[Any and all Wish Cenzoring of the Mk Rf Human Behavior Specialists Terror Systems & Terrorist Rf Scaning
over RFID implanted Humans] = War Crime By Law

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire control and situation
in the Ashdod Town and Park Azorim Petah Tikva and Azrieli Towers Hulon is handled from this momment starting this momment
by The New UN &

Toata Populatia USA si Europa este RFID implantata in secret =Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes
mandatory toate arhivele fostului [nsa] devin prin asta proprietatea Planet Level Secret Inel Tribunal
si a USA tribunals

QED [Google Street View este noua generatie de Conceptual Mk Rf Psy Cores wish facute Ad Hoc in Real Time
la orice locatie care a fost Scaned Photografiata De Google Street View si este sub Mobile Antenas Rf Pentru a
Facilita Self anihilation Holo ]

[Razboiul Mondial de 100 de ani compus din Primula Razboi Mondial condus dus de Germania
si de Al Doilea si Razboiul Rece si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial Conduse de German Nazies contra ]
Planetei si a intregii Umanitatii Sa terminat pe 25 Iunie 2014

Winston Churchill Speech "The German State Has Surrendered" 8th May 1945

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice ICJ ICC PLSIT Tribunal Owned as [Criminals] former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and dispersion and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today 25 June 2014 [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45
capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

2014-07-10 17:40:37 UTC

Nonencoded Direct Meaning Only Unrelated To anything else All Data In This Post
Shall Be Made Immediately Available to any Researcher and Technical Person on the Entire New Planet In a Direct Concise Mode according to the Specific Field

All this under the
International Law and Tribunals and
Technological Constitution and Medical Ethics Institute and all [World War 3 ] usenet protocols
etc etc and for Peacefull Reasons Only for the benefit of the entire Planet

Additional Decoded Data again

Time Stamp of this post of no importance



QED [Self ANIHILATING WATERFALL Computer Rf Town and waterfall spieling holocaust all over = ]Here as well All Humans are RFID implanted
and each oane a [RFID Implanted Neuron Bit in this Town Level Computer Rf
ment to SelfHolocaust in to WaterFall Holocaust ]

The Total Proof here and
bellow in this post the Generic Computer Rf Towns Decoding PDF in order to understand this pictures set

Case Study

QED Most Important Decoding

http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/ Time Magazine Cover Begin
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/f16ks83c3/ Self Organized Criticality By Sciam

More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

http://postimg.org/image/7lnrezq53/ Who the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA pay attention to the Year Code
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ The Fiber Planet by the Real Navaho Speaking Indians are aka NSA

http://postimg.org/image/kbry49ixp/ ZChaos
http://s13.postimg.org/h8bne4w47/DSCF0119.jpg Same Thing Implemented as a Buiding aka self anihilation

http://postimg.org/image/cdhyfuxsj/ Point aka Apogeus aka HoloPoint see bellow decoding

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927348,34.6436605,14z Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

https://www.google.com/maps/@31.7927368,34.6436605,5139m/data=!3m1!1e3 Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pc7czmgbb/ Mirrored Indian Head at 45 aka Self anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

Orash = Town = 0 Zero the Hebrew Head aka Rosh also O Rashel aka Zero the Beach aka Romanian Curva aka Hebrew Zona
See Park Azorim FiberZone aka Atempt of Self Anihilation http://www.fiberzone-networks.com/ http://www.fiberzone-networks.com/about/about.php
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ The Fiber Planet

http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ Stargate Led + Bi aka Light + Bi aka Energy Rf Cupper Lasser + Muie In Cur
http://postimg.org/image/y5bpfkm59/ Park Azorim Lighting Post
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ Sciam 4 Reich Fiber Planet and German Light
http://postimg.org/image/wg2m7i6fx/ Sciam Nazi Concentrations Camps Human Head
http://postimg.org/image/84o7mpd0d/ Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/ ZZZZZ Self Anihilating Under Rf http://postimg.org/image/h62r0baxp/
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf to Brain

Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices
Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser

http://s15.postimg.org/z3fiugza3/Loilita_town.jpg Most Significative and Important Coded Item

http://postimg.org/image/v43ccehp3/ Sciam Planet of the Apes Heads aka 90 Deg ZChaos Planet
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Rf a Head Over the RFID implant
http://postimg.org/image/9hx23hgyf/ ZZZZZZ a head or a Mirrored Head Town
http://postimg.org/image/80z180c2f/ Book aka History Head By Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/57s1ir7kn/ Sciam Ko_Dac Library
http://postimg.org/image/w3b9p53br/ This is an Northern Entry and Since in a Head The Rf comes from above this is Waterfall the ^
http://postimg.org/image/uc9elbbbr/ Fluid Mechanics by Nazies aka same thing http://postimg.org/image/h0g7c48bb/
http://postimg.org/image/d21tvmu53/ Avalanche by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/pxj09vo5z/ Sciam same thing by Tribal War

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans By Sciam over Planet level Rf Computer
http://postimg.org/image/pbg98joyf/ Neural Rf RFID implanted Humans and Map Coloring Problem by the Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/44h3ya1p3/ Map Coloring Distruction at 12 by Arian Mer aka Rf Telecom

http://postimg.org/image/6oqixltef/ Coded Wall

http://postimg.org/image/bflt1vwuv/ An NSA left over Clue ]

Super High Important Decoding [
http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas
http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 2 00 1 and as well twice Prabola and Twice 3.14 ka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/ Sciam August 1993 Decoded ZChaos 9 6 or 9/11 AKA ABOVE TT
14 Stays for 14 Words or 1977 Alice 24 Years Start and 3 are the Mirrored SS Castle SEE Bagdad coordinates Giza Coordinates etc http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/

http://postimg.org/image/5vbfnx567/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Field Fotography
http://postimg.org/image/5wldhc6zz/ Sciam Nurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will Geometry and Stron Words aka Arm Strong
http://postimg.org/image/dwzo5tnxr/ Sciam Hasslblad 90 Deg View Photography Cammera
http://postimg.org/image/z43etu0kv/ Sciam Pluging in to the Brain at 90 Deg by Rf

http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning ]

Total QED again
[ Self Anihilating Town and Holocaust Amplifier
Pentru Nicadorul-Tomberg
Pentru Gfunar-Tomberg
Pentru Amoldei-Tomberg
Pentru Swrachelle-Tomberg
Pentru Arhanghelul-Tomberg
Pentru Luceafarul-Tomberg
Pentru Gogu-Tomberg
Pentru Codreanu-Tomberg
Pentru Ester1975-Tomberg
Pentru Mesterul-Tomberg
Ba Orashica, numai de potlogarie esti bun ca in rest esti un Mr.O (zero).
LUCIAN V.ORASHEL TOMBERG = Orashul este un HohenPoint aka Self ANIHILATING Sub Rf

Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ Fiber Planet
Orash = Town = 0 Zero the Hebrew Head aka Rosh also O Rashel aka Zero the Beach aka Romanian Curva aka Hebrew Zona
See Park Azorim FiberZone aka Atempt of Self Anihilation http://www.fiberzone-networks.com/ http://www.fiberzone-networks.com/about/about.php
http://postimg.org/image/w1qayw3v7/ The Fiber Planet
http://postimg.org/image/n6rw5v6zb/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/image/dni7cejh3/ http://postimg.org/image/b3mkiavx3/
http://postimg.org/image/eypykvf2v/ http://postimg.org/image/d0jamvml3/ ]
Related in some modes Coded Pictures Folders
Very Important folder http://postimg.org/gallery/at7gq8oc/84f453f3/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ruih3jas/8438421f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/ http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/
http://postimg.org/image/oglpp1r4n/b5848527/ http://postimg.org/image/ug0k4kc3v/
http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/?code=ae7b5368
http://postimg.org/gallery/89rqpa66/43405bdb/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/ http://postimg.org/image/6xxgvdmzh/
http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/
http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/
http://postimg.org/image/cin35auyv/03999754/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1j93p0jg/89be708c/
http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/a9r2t76m/ed5fb6e5/ http://postimg.org/image/c20g3ge99/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/
http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ Important
http://postimg.org/image/5bnbpz27r/ http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/
http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
http://postimg.org/image/ctv45gv3z/ http://postimg.org/gallery/6hbdbn1a/5ddb1ecd/
http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/gallery/541fb52y/3b6d8c20/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2yp5td1i/2478bc30/
http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1w4dyibtk/5c18f934/
http://postimg.org/image/gp1i79lch/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3a1j8xnog/a35c545f/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1lxo56xo/7f3c1a1b/
http://postimg.org/gallery/277qmjzo/e697733b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1s2c2uio/98e46665/
http://postimg.org/gallery/ck0piy08/ae7b5368/ http://postimg.org/gallery/1hw1yx0e/9cd4c0c1/

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal
Init Inited Today Mandatory Public Official Massmedia Explanatory System for the
Entire RFID Implanted Israeli and Palestinian Populations + Personal Direction for each and any
RFID Implanted Person in Israel and Palestine regarding where and how etc it shall present itself for a
Free of Charge Correlated Health Check including Scaning for RFID implants
and where RFID Implants Found then Fizical Surgical Removal of the RFID Implants
All this by Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes Correlated Medical Services Hired and Checked
by the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and
Secret Planet Level Intel Tribunal

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire [Google Street View ]
over entire Planet Is Totally Blocked etc and is from this momment handled and owned by the
The New UN and Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission &
ICJ & ICC & PLSIT tribunals

Time Stamp for this post of no importance




Pictures Providing Significant Clues that have allowed the decoding for all data regarding [4 Reich]
Most Important and significative
Concentrare Anormala de mare de melci plantati de nsa cu conhilie spirala
in Jurul anumitor sate arabe codate significativ dar nu numai
Anomalos Concentration of Spiral Type Snails Arround some significant encoded Arab Vilages Here
Snails Implanted by NSA
60 years nazy 4 reich planet building

http://postimg.org/image/9ea7ur0tf/ Same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/noeq94aub/ Same thing by Sciam + See Bellow Iron Ball ZChaos Spring Planet
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
See Bellow Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data
Stilp Electric Implantat in Sat Arabesc Care se Cheama Arian
Electrical Grid in a Arab Vilage Named Arian

Acelasi Lucru in acest context
Same Thing by Sciam
Most Important
Park Azorim Near Water German Made Chess Pices

Same Thing By Sciam aka Planet Computer Rf by MooN NSA and U Tumb Cooper Green Laser
http://postimg.org/image/9j8x7b1sz/ 1967 Sciam Holo_Graphic Chess http://postimg.org/image/t2digo0kj/
http://postimg.org/image/spr67lomb/ Sciam Grand Master Chess 1950 = 77 50 from 6 to 12 = mer http://postimg.org/image/6a6g0sz0f/
= FiberZone and Finisar http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/
Buick Commercial Scientific American

Acelasi Lucru Plantat Aici in Oras
Same Thing Here In Town as Clock
Coca Cola Factory
Most Important
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Emblema unui Magazin de Computere Aici in Orash
An Computer Shop Insignia Here In the Town showing the Holocaust of all East by Neuron ^^^ Rf Computers
Computer Rf Town
Hitlers View Arhitecture Mirrored Trojan Park Azorim Hitler Swastica Building

Park Azorim View from FiberZone = Self Anihilating Waterfall
Highly Important
Argaman Fonts
Mer Company Sign
Coded Pictures Here Folders

Data for all Planet Mass Media In Direct Nonencoded decoded mode form today


Time Stamp for this post of no importance



Any person on the planet must know and understand at least this data about the
Planet Computer Rf over the RFID implanted Humans which are the Neurons or the Bits of this Planet Level Computer Rf

Updated File
The Planet Computer Rf over the RFID IMPLANTED population
Most of the USA entire population and Europe entire population is RFID implanted and probably many of their former alied countries
Each Town is an Rf Computer up to Planet Level and each RFID implanted human is a neuron or a bit on this Planet Computer Rf
http://wikisend.com/download/101960/Planet [Computer Rf RFID implants Copper Laser Rf ] Update.pdf
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

New Adendum
http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 3 or 4 or 7 =19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif = Scientific American Holographic Chess 1967 aka 6 or twice 50 = 19 AKA 77 AND 6 aka 50 and 7 aka 4 Reich in USA
http://s23.postimg.org/t0gnee58b/devil_advocate_orient_bank_45_against_45_twice.jpg Ice Show Shoe aka The NSA Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/hpdzq0yd7/DSCF1420.jpg The Meaning of Holo_graphy by Scientific American as allready decoded in the PDF is Holocaust all nonarians
http://s23.postimg.org/ez996kr23/DSCF3711.jpg Chess by Scientific American = 19 aka 1977 and 50 aka ZChaos Enigma
http://s23.postimg.org/kophqvx8b/DSCF4645.jpg NASA an Eufemism for NSA backstabing the 45 by a Step on the Moon
http://s23.postimg.org/iccwfjv97/PIC_0061.jpg ZChaos Holo_Gram the Planet Of The Apes by Backstabing the 45 aka holocaust all nonarians on the Planet
aka the meaning of Holography By Scientific American

http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating

All Pay attention that Copper by Hebrew writing is kofer and in this connection by translation Monkey and nonbeliver
and this have several Connection
The Scientific American August 1993 Mirrored Holocaust Alice implementation of 1977 24 Years Alice Programa
The Devil Advocate Coded NSA movie main narative codes
The 54 Leh Leha Jewish Masked NSA Plans decoded bellow in the main body of this post

This bellow is the Step On the Moon http://s27.postimg.org/wpuyns90j/German_Reich_Colonies.jpg
The Planet Of the Apes Holocaust of
all Nonarians aka the mirrored 67 Alice
by 6 Apes and all toghedr 7 with the
fire using Hominids
aka the mirror of the 4 Reich
http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/ = Finisar = http://postimg.org/image/4uhu3qv6t/ The NASA aka NSA Rf Planet also 10 6 = 55 Hitler + 6
50 To the Planet + 10 + 6=16 = 16=88 = Hail Hitler all backstabing the 45 at 32 aka 3 Times twice at 90 degrees
same as Finisar Today vs Rf Company Mer and Beit Dagan aka Livers aka Ficateii of gogu scr
See Computer Rf Planet PDF

Redudancy for this decoding
http://wikisend.com/download/354714/[Finisar Jerry Park Azorim].jpg
The name of the sites used for file sharing have absolute no meaning and no meaning shall be related to them
they are the only sites I could find to upload the file and please dissregard [ any and all wish NSA codes] parked [ trips ]

Very Important
The fact that the 60 Years Paper Clip 4 Reich German Arian Only Planet Project with its Main Part defined
by 1977 24 Years Alice and Its Implementation Defined In the Scientific American August 1993
including the ZChaos Enigma is a Planet Level Spread Multydisciplinary System
Has left the 4 Reich no other choice over this Planet Level Automation Multidisciplinary Systems
http://postimg.org/image/qd700j7w7/ but to continue
from BrightCom to FiberZone and To Finisar and all this ] despite the Fact that at [FiberZone]
I have decoded [ most of the 4 Reich Intentions and deeds ]

Aditional Addendum

[ http://ask.metafilter.com/161772/Was-Wernher-von-Braun-asked-How-does-it-feel-to-be-aiming-rockets-at-the-moon-rather-than-London
http://postimg.org/image/x1hc4wqsn/ Former Pentagon aka V and twice V id Hitlers Party Member Number and Former Patriotic Act aka Enabeling Act Month Date code
http://s23.postimg.org/npt9g7p4r/1993_10.gif RFID Implanted Entire USA and Europe population and as well a parabola or U
http://s23.postimg.org/wwbk3hud7/image.jpg V2 First Balistic Missile Nazi Rocket of World War 2 used against London with a parabola trajectory
http://s23.postimg.org/ejfk6o9a3/DSCF1420.jpg Parabola Red Nazi Laser 32 trough the back time travel time tunnel Polygone aka Pentagone and NASA NSA
making Holo_Graphy Vase aka Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet at the reciving end aka the Vase of the Laser Parabola
http://s23.postimg.org/tgo17omij/DSCF4370.jpg The Same Rf Green Cooper Laser Parabola on the Entire Planet by the Moon aka
NASA step on the Moon aka NSA Rf aka Holocaust of all Nonarians on the Planet and RFID implant of all Arians on the Planet
Now Pay attention that the Moon NASA aka NSA is the appogeus of the Parabola and that Redecodes once again the Self Made 9/11 Reichstag Towers
and that is as well fully "compatible" with the Scientific American Shrodinger Cat dead by Parabola Particle aka self holocaust of all
nonarians aka 45 vs 45 Timisoara and the Holocaust of all nonarians on the Planet by the Holo_Gram Vase above the implementation
of the original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess aka the http://postimg.org/image/u6rm2ssq7/
Pay attention that Rf BrightCom on the Copper Street Is the Apogeus of a Parabola ends From Park Azorim FiberZone Fiber to Atidim Finisar Fiber Amplifier
Pay attention that the Decoded ZChaos Enigma bellow is as well a Muie in cur Dual Parabola
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans

Highest Importance Posible ]
QED [ BrighCom Company on Copper Street = Self Made 9/11 Towers
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian of CIA
"Azorian" (erroneously called "Jennifer" after its
Top Secret Security Compartment by the press)[2] was the code name for a
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) project to recover the sunken Soviet submarine K-129
from the Pacific Ocean floor in the summer of 1974, using the purpose-built ship Hughes Glomar Explorer.
[3] The 1968 sinking of the K-129 occurred approximately 1,560 nautical miles (2,890 km) northwest of Hawaii.
[4] Project Azorian was one of the most complex, expensive, and secretive intelligence operations of the
Cold War at a cost of about $800 million ($3.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

BrighCom Company on Copper Street Is a Parabola Apogeu over the Park Azorim FiberZone aka Fiber Level Muie
and Finisar Atidim Fiber Amplifier aka Fiber Amplifier aka in Cur
HoloPoint of Dror
Translation according to babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt and is in soc.culture.romanian context
equal with HoloPoint of Dror and Scientific American HP Comercial for Saab Car aka Holocaust of all nonarians ]
QED [ Dror and dacialan = Nicadrors
Finisar new location is Apogeul of a 22 parabole compose of Azur CIA operation si RF Mer CIA Company and See Bellow Mer Decoding
Beit Dagan Liver or soc.culture.romanian gogu golanule ficatei
and Meteo Institute aka Lorenz aka ZChaos aka 22 June New Stealth Barbarosa Operation against Planet
http://postimg.org/image/b782lyfoj/ Coresma the Owner and Mother of Copper Street BrightCom
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne in German Koln Coordinates: 50°57'N 6°58'E



http://s30.postimg.org/ceru9mwj5/Frank_Furt_Cologne_54_4_Reich_German_Planet.png +
http://s30.postimg.org/j7s75wnch/Frank_Furt_2_Twin_Towers_holocaust_at_45.jpg see ^^^ ^^ Roofs =
http://s15.postimg.org/ngxpi11gr/Former_Pentagon.jpg V and + the mirrored Alice Side ^^^ ^^
http://s30.postimg.org/d4rmiubsh/stargate_gimel_against_gimel_45_vs_45.jpg which is the same
as the Scientific American ^^^ ^^^ Holo_Grafic Vase http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/ http://postimg.org/image/a9eq48anr/full/
The Polygone is the Former Pentagone By Muie In Cur Reasoning and Time Tunel Returning In time to the Reich Establishment
or in an older German Encoding
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg or
Or in The Original Scientific American 1967 Holo_Graphic Chess the V Mk Rf Trojan Horse Chess Play the ^ composed of 3 Pices
same as Swartz the Nigers http://s23.postimg.org/6w6hhih2z/1967_02.gif http://s23.postimg.org/wt05u4kqj/1967_023.gif

Frank_Furt Philips University MIB Holography on BacterioRodopsin 2002 http://s28.postimg.org/sytvzp02l/MIB.jpg ]
Togheder with FiberZone and Finisar this proves the correct decoding for the [ 54 line from Frank_Furt to Koln] aka QED

Same Thing
http://s3.postimg.org/n9awdm74z/23_911_AND_HOLOGRAPHIC_UP.jpg Scientific American Solar Rf Clock This Proves as well the Frank_Furt Koln 54 and V decodings above
On top at 12 and 45 there are Holographic Plates
Same Thing At Finisar
Same Thing
http://s30.postimg.org/stlrm7ei9/Luft_NSA_54_backing_the_45.jpg ]

Programul Dacialan CIA de anul trecut pe HornBunny in continuare la Street Posters cu Bunny cu Morcov
si Ochelari si Rf scaning
The last Year Programa of Dacialan CIA of HornBunny in continuation to Street Posters with Bunny with Carrot and Glasses
and Rf Scaning
Eqivalence Eqivalenta
http://s23.postimg.org/eypykvf2z/Parabola_By_CIA_Trick_of_taill.jpg Genital Rf scaning HoloPoint
Genital Rf Scaning ca masura equivalenta la HoloPoint a Lui Dror
si a lui Dacialan
Genital Rf Scaning as a equivalent measure to the Original HollowPoint of Dacialan and Dror
QED [ Finisar & Jerry End = of ] entire Humanity
[trogh Reality Hack by Body Rf Scanning in an atemted glass breaking of the entire ] Planet [ Same as self made 9/11 towers to be wishfully blamed on the victims
aka Gleitchevich incident again ]

QED Most Important Adendum [ Holocaust At 12 by PaperClip IBM in all forms
+ See IBM Park Azorim and IBM Paper Weight made from Glass aka at 12
http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ Computer_Rf_Town_Self_Anihilating
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ Sciam ZChaos Neurons aka RFID implanted Humans



The second International Hygiene Exhibition was held in 1930/31, in a building erected west
of the Großer Garten park according to plans designed by Wilhelm Kreis, which became the museum's permanent home.
One of the biggest attractions was, and remains, a transparent model of a human being, the Gläserner Mensch
or Transparent Man, of which many copies have subsequently been made for other museums.[4][5]
1931 + 2 = 1933 = Muie in Cur Twice by Rf and Hitler Rise To Power


http://postimg.org/image/4xavojx93/ Sciam T Tower Town and its mirroring and as well the decoding TT = Pi = 3.14 aka hohenpoint in the middle
http://postimg.org/image/w9tk5z1uf/ Sciam Transforming Flights in to Fractalas

http://postimg.org/image/5pwdq3bx3/ HohenPoint Here

Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
Seen From above Park Azorim = Mouse under Rf in the Middle with Intel v HohenPoint and IBM glass etc at it
http://postimg.org/image/z56ncu5uf/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ Reason for the Genital Rf Scaning

Very Important http://postimg.org/gallery/at7gq8oc/84f453f3/


All this is Planet Level Public Level Public Data today please all shared by all a
and any posible informational media and means

Time Stamp of this post of no importance






Selected 2014 Minerva Awards (Expected 2014-2017)

Australian Nat'l Univ: Thailand's Military, the USA and China: Understanding how the Thai Military Perceives the Great Powers and Implications for the US Rebalance

Columbia: Culture in Power Transitions: Sino-American Conflict in the 21st Century

Cornell: Tracking Critical-Mass Outbreaks in Social Contagions

PI: Michael Macy, Cornell University
With collaborators from: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory; Morningside Analytics
Government program manager: Dr. Benjamin Knott, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

This proposal focuses on the analysis and empirical modeling of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions. They will evaluate the critical mass (tipping point) model on four datasets of digital traces of social contagions, which include Twitter posts and conversations around the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. For each dataset, they propose to use information retrieval and sentiment analysis methods to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized. These methods will enable them to construct an "adoption curve" that tracks the number of individuals mobilized in the contagion at any given point in time and to test that curve for presence of the statistical signature of critical mass.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model "of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions." The project will determine "the critical mass (tipping point)" of social contagians by studying their "digital traces" in the cases of "the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey."

Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilised in a social contagion and when they become mobilised."

Another project awarded this year to the University of Washington "seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate," along with their "characteristics and consequences." The project, managed by the US Army Research Office, focuses on "large-scale movements involving more than 1,000 participants in enduring activity," and will cover 58 countries in total.

Critical Mass





Pay attention to the MK Ultra Psy Human Behavior Specialists Level
Resemblance between Eiffel Tower Psy View over Town Streets and Glivice Radio Rf Tower aka an 22 coded Mk Rf HBS Item




More then enough reasons to belive that was used in conjuncture with Mk Rf
as described bellow in this post in order to manage NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning Street War and Holocaust
By having a Digital Street View Data Base it wishfully permited to the
NSA CIA Mk Rf and Rf scaning generating Street War and Holocaust to change
First Generation years old built dedicated Conceptual
Psy MK Rf Cores
By Second Generation Heuristic Ad Hoc Created and Defined Conceptual Psy MK Rf Cores wherever they might wish wished
on any Street View Scaned Area etc etc

] All this proves beiond any concivable doubt the
[direct connection between Mk Rf and the Mk Conceptual Psy Cores ment to triger holocaust under multydisciplinary manipulation ]
By this my decision Regarding Pankrti Bandera Rossa is Totaly Proved and My definition Proved Safe under the defined conditions
and by this Mass Street Protest at Pankrti Bandera Rossa Video Clip Level or Above are inited and on starting now
booth in USA and as well in Europe

Bandiera Rossa by Pankrti

Safe All Modes Remaining Safe All Modes
Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels Permanent Guidance
Full Mass Protests at Street Level inside FORMER European Union aka EU
allowed from this momment at Bandera Rossa or Above Level

The Pankrty Banderra Rossa Video Clip Level Of Street Mass Protests is the minnimum required level for Crowds for the reason that
at this crowd level and above the [mk rf ]
does not have enough band width and computer power to [mess with the ] crowd
and as well at this crowd level [the conceptual MK RF Psy cores] are hiden from the majority of humans in the crowd by the crowd itself etc etc

[ Very Important http://postimg.org/gallery/at7gq8oc/84f453f3/ ]


http://youtu.be/jgfNps4dOxc [World war 3 ] is history




The [4 Reich ] Planetary Legacy as System at System Level Simplistic Explanation

Very Important Data
This is where the only places where after long Web searches I could manage to upload the files
The [Former NSA has a total crise] on this file [the former NSA has purposedly accesed the ] computer
[had created an huge 1 GB file distroy the file while working on it and play with wish mk rf human behavior
specialists codes on file size file time stamp made the time of saving a file to be many minutes long etc etc wish nsa crise ]
This Very Important File Was on the original PDF I have worked on [when wishfuly nsa has crushed it]
[ http://s27.postimg.org/xdzy3yav7/Chaos_and_Fractal_in_Human_Phy_by_Sciam.jpg ]

http://wikisend.com/download/273454/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf
http://wikisend.com/download/309962/Any VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever VersionN.pdf
http://www.filefactory.com/file/5kd1b3b2ywdl/Any_VIP on the Planet Must Understand This System Now and ever LowRes.pdf

For thouse that did not understood yet the PDF above
[The Bits over the Planet Level 4 Reich Rf Computer are the RFID Implanted ] Humans



Adendum for better understanding


Under Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
& Planet Level Secret Intel Tribunal
[ Finisar Company= http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ ]
is by this today totaly all modes closed and all its bank accounts totaly frozen

Deutchlan uber Ales = Radio Uber Ales = http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
also by English Translation Deuchlandlied aka the definition for Lies for the Germany as standard

http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/ Heidy Life self 69
http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/ Nazi World War2 Poster 90 Degrees ReichColonies in Africa

http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/ Sciam Planet of the Apes
http://postimg.org/image/467rl2str/full/ Sciam August 1993 the Jerry distroing the all Apes aka all nonarians or enemies of the reich
http://postimg.org/image/wzukkv4of/full/ Finisar Company 6 Oclock Jerry from the Enemy of the State Movie
Performing BlitzKrieg at 12 Oclock

http://s9.postimg.org/b3ta4cdun/DSCF4531.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Auto Mat May aka 45 is on
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

http://s11.postimg.org/7h16i2p2r/Luft_nsa_timing_54_vs_45.jpg 3 Times Twice Sciam Poster
http://s11.postimg.org/tu8x4vq0j/muia_from_germany_to_poland.jpg Sciam Map

http://postimg.org/image/sm3qn1cb5/ Nicole Verona Resorant and scr , Codes etc German Embasy
Telling it Does Know about Legionaries
http://s9.postimg.org/88g6xh9un/P1010799.jpg AEG Poster Sciam Twin Towers at 45 Deg + 3 2 Roofs
or ^^^ ^^ at 6 aka Barbarosa against the entire World by Frank_Furt aka Reality Hack

Hedy Lamarr (/'h?di/; 9 November 1914 - 19 January 2000)[1]
was an Austrian actress and inventor.[2] Her most significant technological
contribution was her co-invention, together with composer George Antheil,
of an early technique for spread spectrum communications and frequency hopping,
[3] which paved the way for today's wireless communications[4][5] and which,
upon its invention in 1941, was deemed so vital to national defense that government
officials would not allow publication of its details.[6]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr or by French Reading La Mar or Mer
CIA = SEA = French Translation Mer
Nazi World War 2 Poster V aka Dona Victoria aka former Pentagon in French

German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindergarten_Cop See bellow lolita Planet and former Colonial Definition for Natives as Children
Falco Der Komisar http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/umhf5npef/ http://postimg.org/image/n587qfzvb/
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

This is finisar aka a Trick Of The Tail by Tom=NSA and Jerry=Scientific American = End of the World or at least all nonarians
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet

http://s4.postimg.org/iii7uutu5/Finisar_Jerry.jpg aka A Trick of the Tail also the In Cur Part or The Step on the mooon aka NSA or Shoe Devil Advocate or
Chaos = soahc or Scientific American Holocaust SHOE SANDAL
http://s4.postimg.org/xd6t913f1/Park_Azorim_Rf_Water_Mouse_Muie.jpg The earlier Muie Part see the waterfall in the east 32 coordinates
http://s4.postimg.org/mu6tjv0r1/DSCF6613.jpg same as in the decoded ZChaos Enigma
http://s2.postimg.org/nuchh6mjt/Fiber_90_deg_Rf_Planet.jpg AKA Finisar = Atempt to take over planet
Park Azorim FiberZone = Fiber level aka Muie
Atidim Finisar = Fiber Amplifier aka In Cur
By Leh Leha Semitic Jewish Desguised NSA fibers systems

] Check Mate and MartZ infinte Redudant Mode former [Finisar ]

Reason for this decision in the main body of this post bellow

Init now Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols
mandatory ireversible unstopable by
the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission and Planet Intels and UN

Everything Bellow This is the Main Body of the Post

Important Update on the [ real and direct meaning of the fractal by the makers of it aka the fractal ]
[ fractal by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level
and [ same fractal in the Devil Advocate Movie in its direct form and meaning
http://postimg.org/image/fggqwgnkr/full/ ] again Planet Level
see bellow [Devil Advocate Movie ] decoding

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision
is hiring from this momment the corelated checked adequate Medical Services
on the Europe expence in order that one month from today safe all modes
remaining safe all modes each European to be provided
with a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found
the safe all modes remaining safe all modes extraction of the RFID from the body

Safe all modes remaining safe all mode the
Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commision is hiring from this momment the corelated checked
adequate Medical Services on the USA expence
in order that one month from today safe all modes remaining safe all modes each American to be provided with
a corelated free Health Check and RFID check and where RFID found the safe all modes remaining safe all modes
extraction of the RFID from the body

All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm
of the 4 Reich released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law
since [it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]

[ German Version this is lolita planet http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html
Scientific American Implemenation http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ ]
[ German Version 88 Hail Hitler and its mirrored mengle twins http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html
German 4 Reich Version 19_88 4 Reich and Swartzerneger Version http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29
1964 Original Nazi Plan by Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

radium, Ra, 88 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium = 88 = HH aka Hail Hitler = Rf aka Radio
Ra = Stargate Movie Plans] decoded in the main body of the Post

For safety reasons same as in USA any and all mass protest in Europe
must be at least at the level defined in avanti populi clip due to rfid implants
[Nazi Poster World War 2 Radio Rf 88 and view of a crowed from above under Radio
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet by Sciam aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[mk rf Split Brain Experiment Scientific American 1964 aka 77 88 aka mirrored Alice http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/
Scientific American Planet of the Apes http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/ = self sustaining holocaust fractal
and this is the resulting fractal
by the Scientific American Ideogram http://postimg.org/image/ne1s8dp8v/ ] Planet Level

More then 50 years of the [split brain Sciam 4 Reich work has left in place ]
a planet level [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust with a high
burning rate including in itself many amplified by 4 Reich Eugenic policies
bad historic legacies and many new introduced holocaust systems]

In this context under the Top Planet Level Safety Watch Intel Permanent Secret Commission
starting now a initial urgent quantization of all data Planet level shall be
made in order to have the posibility to apreciate [the self sustained fractal multydisciplinar
holocaust numbers burning rate as related to their factors etc ] and asap to set priorities
and provided orders to all relevant Systems on the planet to drasticaly reduce asap
the [multidisciplinary self sustained fractal holocaust high burning rate ]
and then asap to bring all [this burning rate ] to a total stop Planet level

Just examples for such [factors]
RFID Implants and Related Rf terrorism and Rf and Electrical Fields
Cars and Road Accidents
Medical System aka HelthCare in direct in west and lack of it in former 3 world countries
Extreme Poverty
Infant dead rate at birth and in the first life period due to overall conditions
Work conditions in former 3 World Countries
Lack of good Drinking Water and sanitation
Tribal Wars
Psychytric Pils
Prohibited Substances in our Infrastructure and in our Foods and In our Meds
Geneticaly Modified Crops etc
etc etc etc

I will not be surprised if the findings when cumulated will be in numbers
[highers then the worst days burning rate within world war 2]

[ Main Codes By Clock Newrenberg Tower Triuph of the Will Tower Clock
9=west aka nazi 6=50 23= 9/11 =11 11 = 22
88= HH aka Hail Hitler = 8+8+1+1=18=1118 =22 = 88 Twins ]
Important New Update
[ Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Enigma
Z Chaos arian only Planet WITHOUT ALL NONARIANS

Scientific American Octomber 1993 Amateur Scientist octomber = 10 = 55 = Hitler Party Member Number
http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
[ Early Sciam Planing same U http://postimg.org/image/e4v0kiqz3/
also in this context you might see uu = mirrored m = nn=NN=ZZ=ZZ TOP ENCODING OR MC Donalds etc http://postimg.org/image/46xkj9p7x/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ Aschie = un mic cal troian aka lemn aka sub piele aka RFID http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/
aka American peach ash Software grows on trees and 15 hour trees incinerate under Shanon Aschie = Porcar Black Operations Comander]
[ Aschia https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/fqdMJs7PDQE/F9ZI3PnCUpEJ
Aschia bread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ejE9GJ7Y76k/pfBim2sNrV0J
Coded card if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/AhvSG9xN6gM/hzoxvUWKxy4J
2000 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/lT1aHTNUkZMJ
Rain comming if this is real https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/D6hqXnHa7tk/AcgMQTy84yUJ

Foarte important daca e real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ewHA4RVszJI/ShruNxOg4RQJ
Very Important if is real aka CIA U https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/HIVShZwLW6QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Ex7-UCtJZT0J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/XLtkPTvbfsw/Q7f2madQj_QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qztBc-e9UlM/FvFHYOw7BYkJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/DoJ8lu8jkRI/spGaOocEEl8J
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/1sVKC2po364J https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/gJ6oRPipEWwJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/4UIRlJ7ctxk/COZqkPeZ3ToJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qB_kzhIb-sE/2nPKO5aNRvUJ
Shoe https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/ZOsYIvv6m4QJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/KhZsFMcEHi8/Am5yEayQMrEJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/YW_C76EBDKM/sZdsSdEwFJUJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/RPHV5nvbWig/w_WDb8WDeREJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/HSume069NNo/p9jUFl_BFSEJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/wglbSQzNbh4/6UypTI7YUxgJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/7oqMr3ZSC0I/cj8aUYyEg9oJ
[ Scientific American 10 1993 with Planet RF cover by computer haking and Death requires no proof
also z chaos August 1993 + 2 = muie in cur and same time returning swastica cover for diferent means
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0xf3IU4ORPUmpQODFSenFGWWs/edit?usp=sharing ]link & typo errata update
[ Raising the vase page 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian see the holographic vase decode
below and as well this is DONE by CIA aka dacialan the submerged ]all nonarians [by muie in cur]
[ Sciam 10 1993 U Amateur Scientist http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ =
Sciam Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/w431rgrrt/ + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag
etc !!! ]
[U = Original Sciam Shrodinger Cat cu 2 Hammers aka Hebrew Fetish = muie in cur
+ self made 9/11 Reichstag Towers + Timisoara 45 vs 45 etc etc]
= aka multyredudancy in decodings [ la u + z chaos] at infinit level mode planet level total infinite proof
[ As much as it seems another Sciam Encoding for http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ is the Sciam http://postimg.org/image/jfjtm69en/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/ = http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/ ]
Important Update This is true in this context [ the upper lines of the 22 mouths faces goes trough the 54 and 45 guiding lines on the picture
U http://postimg.org/image/lef1cw529/
http://postimg.org/gallery/40vkmpzk/f5bcc6a3/ http://s27.postimg.org/62bv1zdlf/Fluid_Mechanics_Alan_Fox.jpg
http://s27.postimg.org/y160suf83/UPDATED_Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_54_ ][ True = 22 + self muie in cur]
[ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Introduction-Fluid-Mechanics-Robert-Fox/dp/0470234504 http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP001939.html ]
[ U= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra Translation M K U L T Ra
= Muie in Kur by U Lan scr TerTower Ra Stargate Ra God =Sun God=soc.culture.romanian AS 88 Hail Hitler and 88 element = Radio aka Rf
See bellow redudancy in Stargate Codes over Time Magazine Falko vs Menahem in Egypt Giza 30 Codes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA_%28disambiguation%29 ]
File update http://postimg.org/image/tlv1wr1gx/ Diploma and Compliments of KGB and FSB
[dacialan the profet of world war starting 3 28 10 2000
Dacialan soc.culture.romanian 1 7 2005 Anouncing that soon the Systematic Holocaust and Extermination
will Start
http://postimg.org/image/owz469rtp/ Earlier Sciam Chaotic Circuit same Holocaust at 6 and 45 by the 54
and in the ass by Romanian Colored "Revolution Flag" at 45 vs 45 against nonarians and the soc.colture.romanian
direct conection to Scientific American http://postimg.org/image/us0isogmp/
][ 60 years nazy 4 reich planet building
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip aka the Incremental Spiral @
http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/573/dscf6615.jpg Z Chaos decoded incremental Spiral
] Preliminary scketch I made in 2007 and has enable me to decode all data bellow
and will allow any person today to fully decode this entire Gant
[As complementary to the Scketch above the preliminary Nicadrorial List as done by the 4 Reich and dacialan soc.culture.romanian
Items Corelated By Sciam 12 2001 http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ ]

[ the 33 or 32 or 30 codes origin the nazi german ss castle 3 towers and muie in cur

Hitler 1939 Z Plan + 3 Towers Wewelsburg + 3 Back Pices Nazi Chest = Backbone of most 4 Reich
codes including NSA 39 Coordinates and Scientific American August 8 1993 Z Chaos aka 39 and 93

and their 1977 Alice and Alice Scientific American August 1993 mirror plan for all nonarians
See bellow the decoded Z Chaos http://postimg.org/image/t62eyivxt/

Another version by sciam mk of the mirrored wewelsburg aka alice of all nonarians and 32 code

Sciam February 1993 Anouncing the upcoming of the Z Chaos Enigma http://postimg.org/image/49uomt89b/
The Z Machine muie in cur all nonarians Sciam http://postimg.org/image/nn9095xqn/
Sciam the 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians http://postimg.org/image/u9cu004y7/
Sciam Chaotic Birth Of Planets aka 4 Reich RFID arian only Planet http://postimg.org/image/3z9dy8phr/
Sciam Strange aka Chaos Strange Atractor by Moon aka NSA and Sa_Turn aka SA Troops the Towers
Sciam Early Z Chaos Encoding Holocaust at 90 Degrees by the 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/mxbz87c3z/

http://postimg.org/image/mysg89zbx/full/ 32 at 45 by Twin Towers by AEG Frankfurt
http://postimg.org/image/559b2knvf/ Probably the main idea behind The Timisoara 45 vs 45
and its repeating again and again over the entire planet such as Libia Civil War Syria
Civil War Tribal War In Africa See Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Muia and Timisoara 45 vs 45 In Cur
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]
[ http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower
in The Triumph Of The Will Nazi Propaganda Movie
Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

Lateral 90 degrees View of the above Planet Picture Time Returning Nazi Swastica
Also = 9 and 6 aka The Nazi West 50 to the east
or 2 times 9 aka nicadrorism or 9/11

All togheder booth pictures = 9/11 2001 ]
[ Tower Of Babel Sciam http://postimg.org/image/mq6rij7a1/ Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/mqs12l727/full/ ]
[ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V pentagon 54
vs ^ at 45 deg containing 45 vs 45 and 2 time z chaos
aka 22 muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/aah9bx33z/ ]
Decoded Z Chaos Enigma
[ Scientific American August 1993 pdf
Page 80 aka swartz the nigers the Spring Planet Ball for nonarians holocaust
and 4 Reich RFID implanted Planet Rising
Page 88 and 89 aka Hail Hitler will perform a Trick Of The Tail and
all nonarians and enemies of the Reich will self anihilate trough 45 vs 45 etc
Page 58 Rf trough Glass see bellow in this document decoded the glass
Page 53 the 1977 Alice Carol mirrored Alice in Wonderland Extermination Holocaust
Page 82=88 = zwiling Z chaos self anihilation by Rf scaning of the subjects
Page 87 Young Chimp at 45 seek Fruit aka Hebrew Fri an eufemism
for mirrored twins and arbet mach free and muie
Page 112 Body English = Rf body scaning
Page 117 Blue Films = See 1976 Musical Blue Movie Alice in Wonderland
and 117=154=100 +54 IP Die Hard Hack decoding bellow etc
Page 120 Z Chaos decoded enigma etc etc etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kroll_Opera_House = Carol
Circuits That Get Chaos in Sync conducted by conducted by Joseph Neff and Thomas L. Carroll
See Alice Holocaust Faster then Light and shoah aka hebrew holocaust aka holocaust trough
brother aka twins aka 9/11 2001 also Devil Advocate ans Sciam shoe code
http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/ Enemy Of State NSA Thomas Brian Rf 9 11 40
http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ See Tom Cruze and Related Verona and 1118 Codes

http://postimg.org/image/j9gs84t8f/full/ Devil Advocate Ice aka Alice and Sho aka hebrew holocaust Alice

OP-AMPS 7 - TYPE 741 = July aka USA 4 Reich 2 - TYPE NE5539N Nazi the Est nonarians by 55 Hitler
Party Card Nunber aka 10 and 39 aka NSA + see former Patriot Act aka Enabeling Act dates etc
16.3 100 10= 88 3 and new american century etc 4 th circuit aka the 4 Reich the 22 enemies of the Reich aka all nonarians
FURTHER READING NONLINEAR CIRCUITS HANDBOOK. Analog Devices Engineering Sta?. Analog Devices, Norwood, Mass., 1976.

Early Nazi Poster with Planet at 90 Deg http://postimg.org/image/5g3k8w5dj/
90 Deg Z Chaos The Apes Planet Sciam http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
Z Chaos Decoded Enigma main Z http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/6914/dscf6614jf.jpg
Devil Advocate 90 Deg 54 vs 45 agaist 45 Church codes for Planet http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act October 26, 2001.
http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg Z Chaos decoded Enigma 26 and 2001
October = 10 =55 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
Hitler accepted on 12 September 1919,[78] becoming the party's 55th member
Second time selfmade http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 ]


QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich]

[ http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust
http://postimg.org/image/j5omgnua7/ Real meaning for muie Auswitz Holocaust same thing by Sciam
http://postimg.org/image/q316c5k3z/ Early Sciam conection between Muie Holocaust and Mengle Twins at 15

Self Ho;ocaust at 45 vs 45 by Nicolas Cage handel Music http://postimg.org/image/gq2h79lax/
Nic_Al_Ass see Nikol Kidman and Tom bellow + Cage = Sciam original version http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ + a later Sciam version exist with a New York
worker feeding a caged chimp http://postimg.org/image/674u06h4r/
Same thing by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/

http://s28.postimg.org/fcms5txul/Z_CHAOS_Bread_Board_for_Slaves.jpg Aka Ovens
1993 z chaos sciam enigma
Please see that at 45 from bread board there is the red pozitive + 22 nazi from ps power
supply aka the oposite of romanian sp sugi pula aka muie
backing the ground aka the planet and the minus sign at the bread bord slaves
see bellow in this document dacialan order to holocaust all nonarians with a minus
See bellow the 5 of Bethoven and 54 the z chaos circuit is composed by 5 op amp in master circuit
and 4 circuits in the slave circuit ment for extermination aka 54 the reverse of 45
also 1112 5 of Bethoven = 32 or 33 coordinates of Baghdad


http://postimg.org/image/rkeeylnw1/ http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/
Z at 90 Deg + Romeo And Julia aka Muie in cur and self 69

http://postimg.org/image/jw0ep7xv5/ Z AT 90 Degrees at Planet OF The Apes
and muie in cur at head level aka mk and rf
Z Chaos and Psychology Perception aka Reality Hack Mk Ultra + Rf body scaning and Head Scaning

http://postimg.org/image/p00rtnyrb/ Sciam Muia in cur in Poland
= muia Gdansk Leh Leha and 54 coordinates+Cur Timisoara 45 against 45
and the issue repeated again and again planet level

Pay atention that bread band is from california same ad swartz the nigers

http://postimg.org/image/x8x5vwwmz/ nsa 109

http://postimg.org/image/7wskt6me3/ Hitler 88 Rf 1118
http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/ NSA 88 Trojan a mirrored work

http://postimg.org/image/3swr2o1z9/full/ Stargate 109 same thing at 45 aka muie in cur
The original Muie In Cur Planet Level by New American Century
The second original Muie In Cur 22 or + Planet Level by NSA
second reality hack Park Azorim IBM http://postimg.org/image/eo4cb3ltn/
coordinates 32 = holocaust by the nsa
in the middle with water ther is an mouse under rf http://postimg.org/image/74fumsi0r/
as according to sciam + or 22
http://postimg.org/image/uwu7vfqd7/ See bellow in this document
the meaning of IBM glass togheder with the Nazi German nudist magazine codes

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007
http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/ See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc
172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination
Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down + checkMate the World
http://postimg.org/image/6u52oidrl/ Sciam American Software grows on peach tree
aka Afarsec Hebrew aka Efer Sec aka Ash by National Security at 15 Hour or Minutes aka holocaust

172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie from 2007 http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
16 September 2004 Dacialan on soc.culture.romanian
Atat in Europa cat si in America, in 2008 extrema dreapta ca fi la putere
Aka translation In 2008 the extreme right will be in power booth in USA and Europe

http://postimg.org/image/wq8vlk7pb/ Auto Museum aka 45 against 45 Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9eg6iq41r/ Mirored eVent Ashdod North
http://postimg.org/image/9bwavw0e7/ Ashdod Map

Hebrew for hammer = Patish aka Fetish = 3 hammers= muie in cur
http://s28.postimg.org/vek9f3r8d/45_vs_45_2_Hammer_2_cat.jpg shrodinger cat with two hammers and 22
gimel gimel stargate gama gama botle http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
http://postimg.org/image/bo7ahhblx/full/ Giza 30, by 1928 = 77 88 hail hitler
See sciam the vanishing camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/
and see sciam extiction in oceans http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg
Z Chaos decoded = onion =Romanian Ceapa=CIA_Apa aka same as Swartz the Nigers
http://s28.postimg.org/h4ap3mavx/Backer_Hammer.jpg James Backer and velvet hammer

velvet=v aka pentagon el god and v pentagon et alien pay atention that at the hour 12
there is a child in a square aka box see nurnberg 6 ocklok clock and z chaos decoded at 6 ocklock
As well this is another version of the nazi chess ideogram

Pay attention that the nazi chess and sciam 1967
holographic chess and agriculture in poland are the same ideogram

Pay attention that bony m nsa record cover same ideogram

The Luft_ansa comercial is the same nazi chess ideogram and the hand=5=V= Pentagon

Camumflage of the Trojan Horse by the Sciam Mk Ultra http://postimg.org/image/bfj6m0xpz/

http://s28.postimg.org/ae3v51jfh/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians
http://s28.postimg.org/l3hjxav8d/hp_muie_in_cur_to_jews.jpg aka all nonarians

Sciam NAZI3 d 32 33 Strange Atractor Chaos by NSA moon aka holocaust at 45

http://postimg.org/image/ax0lq38af/ Sciam 33 45 Cia_apa
Political Memoirs and Negative Rhetoric:
Kurt Waldheim's in the Eye of the Storm and Im Glaspalast der Weltpolitik
http://postimg.org/image/qfbj9velz/ http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/7218624a/
Sciam Shrodinger Cat with Hammer Instead Of Hand or Handle
Glass gama gama gimel gimel camel camel Vase
http://postimg.org/image/mjyl7ooq9/ hand = 5 = Dona Victoria =Pentagon
= in this context muie in cur
Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel 45 vs 45 by digital data funerrary ash vase by sciam
http://postimg.org/image/on06w01pz/ Same Funeray Ash Vase as an Hologram at 15 by sciam
See as well Sciam Are you a hologram with an RFID conducted Head on its Cover

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain_and_Abel aka 45 vs 45
http://postimg.org/image/j5ybr7iuz/ Die hard 4 mirrored devil at 45 and Caine+Abel
http://postimg.org/image/efclmh96f/ Sincronization in But_ter_fly sciam
Auto Mat May On aka self check mate of may 45 is on order
aka Timisoara 45 agains 45 by the Nazi Chess

http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/ Devil Advocate Finger Nail
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_O%27Neill and its mirror
http://postimg.org/image/rkm9ra2wr/ Sciam Glass Nails

An early version of sciam glass jar aka in cur aka cia_apa and carbon monoxide

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 88 aka Hail Hitler the Twins aka Z+wILL
+Ing aka Z Chaos+ Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
103 See bellow the decoded item within the Die Hard 4 Haking IP Code
ALSO Glass in hand and at 45 2 times 3 children aka 33 or 32 also muie in cur ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enemy_of_the_State_%28film%29
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American spy-thriller about a group of rogue NSA agents

The Nazi Planet 2 months after the Z chaos and same as the reverse swastica galaxy
=Carrot Rf planet and death means no explanations shall be given and Computer Haking etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_salute Hail Hitler = HH 88 alltogheder 11 88 = 18 or 1118

Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/

Giza 30, Down by the 1928 = 77 88 = 77 Alice on nonarians by 88 = 1118

The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet is a narrative poem, first published in 1562
= http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

Zchaos Enigma Scientific American August 1993
aka 93 + NSA 39 coordinates + Hitler 1939 Z Plan eufemism etc
The Planet without the East aka an eufemism for holocaust all nonarians
Also 6 oclock 50 to the planet at 15 same as Nurenberg Tower in The Triumph Of The Will
Nazi Propaganda Movie Also 2 times Zero 0 forming 1 = 2001

http://postimg.org/image/m7c5ndnsn/ Solar Rf Clock 7 23 aka 7 9 11 and 7+23= 18 or 1118

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/2594/dscf6613l.jpg booth same item


http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/ Scientific American Z chaos at 90 deg and
Alfa Romeo aka Romeo and Julia or Verona Restorant

Hebrew 18 Hai aka Hay Tonight Night and Fog or Hail Hitler 88
aka NSA disguised as semitic Hebrew starting from
Poland Gdansk Coordinates 54 Leh Leha Avraham aka Baghdad 33 Coordinates
By Latin Numbers XVIII http://postimg.org/image/uo8e7b9q7/ UNIX V
4 Reich Planet and http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ V
vs ^ in another encoding see Stargate codes
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ Stargate Movie Codes
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html = 11 18 aka 1118 88 aka Hail Hitler
the Twins aka Z+wILL+Ing aka Z Chaos + Triumph Of The Will + Ingineer
also 2 times muie in cur and Glass in Hands
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twins_%281988_film%29 = 11 18 aka 1118
Swartz the Nigers or Romanian CaCat aka California The Shrodinger Cat nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey and
see as well Credence Clear Water Revival Hay Tonight aka Night And Fog
aka Have You Ever Seen The Rain See the Die Hard Bruce Willis listening to Creadence
and Dacialan Esti un ca_Cat in Ploaie code


The computer Reality Hack Matematics Cover of Sciam
Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words on the kkk
meaning codes for Mississippi and Hackman aka an Reality Hack
Magnolia is a 1999 American drama film written, produced, and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederic_Raphael =rf

http://postimg.org/image/9nntfbm59/full/ NSA + 911

http://s30.postimg.org/sosnv35y9/enemy_of_state_ZAVITZ_DANIEL_6626_ETC.jpg ]

[ and or yougoslavization at World War 3 end
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Hackman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Burning
http://postimg.org/image/g88cbfmsb/full/ Aditional to the picture listen to the Hackman words
on the kkk meaning codes for Mississippi Hackman aka an Reality Hack


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Willis_filmography
http://www.creedence.republika.pl/images/tonight.jpg Hey Tonight Night and Fog at 12 etc

http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate
http://postimg.org/image/hck23k2kf/full/ Devil Advocate Double Hey
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hackford An Hack aka an Reality Hack ]
QED again and again total proof same decoded codes and
[plans 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code Die Hard Movie http://postimg.org/image/48l9cgg8r/full/
See the virus upload 3 times twice at 15 aka 25 aka 55 etc

172 is as well= 154 = the New American century and 54 aka the
arian only 4 Reich Planet and when mirrored it means holocaust extermination

Farrel, Matthew = Goodby and soc.culture.romanien , wich means down+checkMate the World

Scientific American 5 Continents of Apes or Monkeys by muie in cur that=twice 5=55

aka 17 = 555 twice
http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/ How to run the world RF Coroana aka Crown
2 times 15 = 25 =55
http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ American Software at 15 Peach=Hebrew Afarsec
aka Efer by Sec aka Ash by NSecA aka same as Swartz the Nigers 2 times 15 = 25 =55
And under Shanon the Sciam Software Trees will incinerate by self anihilation http://postimg.org/image/q4l9zfei9/
http://postimg.org/image/9vhm9xirf/ RF Pluging in the Brain and HIV 2 times 15 = 25 =55
Devil Advocate 555 555 versus 15 22 Times aka 25 twice aka 55 twice
also 154 = 1 and 54 aka the reverse of 45 aka the rise of the 4 Reich
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/rn1IpUOpWjU/q22rSPBDpxwJ [HIV Virus ]
[Muia in cur in Polonia vezi Gdansk 54 and Leh Leha ]
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html 16=88
[88 Hail Hitler Twins Zwiling Codes ]

[ 103 aka 100 years aka New american Century
+ 3 Twice= 54 Gdansk Leh Leha aka Baghdad Coordinates
Same encoding as bellow at 45 deg twice pay attention to the 3 children at 45 deg up
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html this is 1 and 39 vs 93 aka NSA and
Scientific American August 1993 Z Chaos Plan and as well twice a cube in reverse
by the magazine number 1 at power 3 in reverse and same around the girl body

http://postimg.org/image/htgmpblff/ Scientific American IBM Research
same as the item in the hands of the 103 girl ]

Baghdad [coordinates 33 and Leh Leha codes starting from Gdansk 54 Leh Leha ]

[ 172 16 55 103 IP Code http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/

http://s17.postimg.org/org5hiu67/rf_hiv.jpg ]
[Sciam 7 23 aka Verona Restorant 1118=11=23=9/11 Solar Corona Clock with Rf against 45 http://postimg.org/image/ej56f63wb/ ]
QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes
[ ku wait and you are the shrodinger cat sciam http://postimg.org/image/9h025k7pb/ ]
Bagdad Coordinates [ and holocaust Sciam http://postimg.org/image/3ossacr3v/ see above cia_apa ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.arabic/NlIVLeTpMrk/9ioDyp5uLa4J Irak [war]

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.politics.org.un/pH967c6tsEE/3wAxSyFJuQ8J Decoded Z Chaos Enigma

[Apocalipse in] USA [and its end at the establishment of the RF RFID IMPLANT 4 Reich ARIAN ONLY planet
http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/ also the mirrored nicadrorial holocaust of all ] nonarians
QED Dovada ca Suma Tuturor Safe all modes si legal dupa lege a toate systemelor
mele au salvat USA de la [total internal apocalipse asa cum de exemplu a incercat dacialan]
= [mk rf soft etc= organizatie terrorista] official public si in interiorul USA

QED [Diavolul a Trick Of The Tail & Corisma Label si Compania Carisma la ]
care am lucrat [companie care a fost ownerul companiei BrighCom Rf Chip]
la care am lucrat [ cu Dror care dupa jaf a ] Exaphotonic [mia facut cadou un led verde ]

For all religions you have here the decoded [infinite atempted end of entire]
Humanity under the [Devil codes in Devil Advocate and Stargate Devil Movies]
Safe all modes by peacefull means only please expose all this data planet level asap

QED Self Made [9/11 Reichstag Flights Numbers ] totaly decoded codes

[ 4 Reich ] Decoded Codes and [Their total Mengle Twins Zwilling Level]

[ Radio aka 88 Element aka Hail Hitler aka 1118 http://postimg.org/image/tl49qlpo7/
http://postimg.org/image/9b6ybgojb/ Older Generation RFID Implants
http://postimg.org/image/wrc2n978b/ Main RFID Implant for Rf Scaning
http://postimg.org/image/dc5adlrrx/full/ 88 = 1118 Vernon Verona Square aka 4 Reich]
Starting now[any all & each direct indirect blackop nsa cia etc financial tranzaction
founds blackfounds bank accounts transfers parts ordering pays salaries pays of any mode
for mk * 3D Rf scaning* ] are totaly frozen Planet Level and inside USA
[Mk ultra Rf = infinite end of the ] entire Humanity

[Nostalgie pentru MK RF SOFT si Dacialan Soare ]+ Scaune in ICC ICJ etc [RAMAYA REALITY HACK]

[AIDS virus related to 1988 10 Sciam aka again 88 Hail Hitler and Rf against 45 and AIDS http://postimg.org/image/8hu29az2n/ ]
QED [The HIV virus made realized and artificialy spread by the 4 Reich] Check Mate and Martz Infinite Mode Planet Level


[dacialan profetul the profet inceputului of coming world war 3]
[ https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/soc.culture.romanian/o8rtS0eFGUE/rjyU88XYl6gJ
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/b1ojGPQgMjQJ Dacialan USA Colonel

Dacialan swartz the nigers Ca_Cat encoding proof and Racial holocaust in USA

http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen88.html Mengle Z will ing or swartz the nigers or mirrored Alice




https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/gHo233sE1qg/oBkENW3VrlwJ Dacialan definition for proxy work

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/pW7NMBfiVPI/tmvRiuLrdxwJ Magarul in ceata aka Night and Fog etc

http://postimg.org/image/nqxcwssk9/ Bony M Ma Backer see above decoded codes
Tanase minus Tomberg = The NSA - Two M Berg and Berg = iceberg Alice holocaust two times all nonarians
M http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M ASCII 1 77 4D 109 6D
77 Alice + 2 times 4 reich + http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen109.html 62 see 1118 or 64 aka 88
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hebrew_letter_Mem_handwriting.svg see above hand handle
m = nn= ZZ Two times Z Chaos etc including Mc Donald Resturant encoding
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/C5NQGeLyAaw/GnwT9ElfKdIJ Ordinul lui dacialan de
holocaust a totii ] nonariani pe planeta si de [a ma face patsy la nicadrorismul contra Sharon ]

[dacialan profetul inceputului world war 3]


[dacialan nicadrorul din nou]

Very Important [dacialan Alexandru Soare 88 Hail Hitler]

[ http://postimg.org/image/9acwq0kd9/ V Pentagon 54 the Z 00 M code holocaust
at 45 Trough GPS Map Coordinates Gdansk 54 and Timisoara 45 vs 45

http://postimg.org/image/qq72rpjbx/ Incremental Spirala Holocaust In East aka all nonarians
http://postimg.org/image/q1y88rkm5/ Both Pictures + PaperClip Spiral Decoded Above

http://postimg.org/image/i6notyazh/ June 22 Barbarosa By Rf starting with Muie in Poland at Gdansk

http://postimg.org/gallery/4oy1njei/e3275e5d/ Backing Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona + Tom Tomas 911 Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/1fp4zyzi/53ca2448/ Verona

http://postimg.org/gallery/7en0o5i6/104d38ee/ Enemy of the State Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ Die Hard 4 Haking Codes

http://postimg.org/image/ad44mr5dx/full/ Triumph of the Will Nurenberg Tower 6 15 Clock

http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate 4 Reich Dinasty direct nonencoded

http://postimg.org/image/xpl4r2ja5/ 45 vs 45 self holocaust

http://postimg.org/image/u63sf05y5/ Nicadrorism against the 15

http://postimg.org/image/i6sa7p0d9/ Water Clock see Bony M River Of Babilon Decoding
http://postimg.org/image/k0vhekrod/ Ku Wait
http://postimg.org/image/e51jr6cd9/ Holocaust of all Muslims see the Shrodinger Cat

http://postimg.org/image/hx8k0icm1/ Scientific American Shrodinger Cat Box
with gimel gimel gama gama camel camel 22 broken glas botle

The V http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/ Stargate Movie Origine and 6 points Cube
and V vs ^ and gimel gimel gama gama camel camel aka an alternative Z Chaos encoding http://postimg.org/image/skr87x7mj/
Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or this cube and nsa codes http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Sonnen139.html
Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/
Sciam Rf Cristal Night Cube Version http://postimg.org/image/3vk5vq9e7/
Iron Cube with 6 Points The direct connection of Sciam and Stargate to the soc.culture.romanian
Iron Guard aka Security aka NSA and CIA Colonel Dacialan 88 Codreanu http://postimg.org/image/64vh3mrzl/
http://postimg.org/image/46ln1t999/ SG Sound of Silence same thing earlier version SOS=Gravy
= morse code http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SOS.svg
http://postimg.org/gallery/3fgsxbme/d76ddc08/ StarGate Movie Codes

Sciam 6 15 Neurenberg Tower Triumph of the Will 9 Snake and "Field" Fotography http://postimg.org/image/g0ri65rg1/
aka Rf and Conceptual Mk Ultra Ideomatic Places blended With The Rf control systems for future violence ignition
predifened locations under MK Ultra and Rf multydisciplinary management of the local catastrofe


Glass Crystal Palace http://postimg.org/image/g5lk5cn4f/
http://postimg.org/image/4q796evqx/65ec15d0/ Kurt Walthaim In the eye of the storm

Sciam Shoe Shuach in the East aka all nonarians by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/hh30oaucx/
http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/ Devil Advocate Movie Included Codes

http://postimg.org/gallery/7hyso9yy/7cf5aefe/ same thing http://postimg.org/image/ab9w001fd/ 45 vs 45
Face Off aka 26 Codes Handel = Hand=5=pentagone
http://postimg.org/image/6wgogptsp/ see Devil Advocate Faces http://postimg.org/gallery/271xz75c/3c4cb3c4/
http://postimg.org/image/d8vtqjwux/ Auswitz Face http://postimg.org/image/z663lo0e7/
http://postimg.org/image/rmz7iaiop/ Planet Ape Faces http://postimg.org/image/ltj6ntmij/
http://postimg.org/image/orm4bfeop/ Poland Muie Face http://postimg.org/image/dgqeivvp7/
http://postimg.org/image/k364g8pi1/ Irak Mortuary Face Map http://postimg.org/image/f4hp4uuk1/
http://postimg.org/image/b9f7z52jd/ Mortuary 3 Faces at 15 by sciam http://postimg.org/image/anyixnv3l/
http://postimg.org/image/adiqjosux/ The meaning of a face http://postimg.org/image/7ja2vna5t/
http://postimg.org/image/ahcjzxyc9/ Face as Shrodinger Cat http://postimg.org/image/k3x9iuxi7/

Very Important http://postimg.org/image/pyvqt09pr/ http://postimg.org/image/z443mvd4f/
Time Magazine Cover Komisar Falko aka Peter Falk Colombo http://postimg.org/image/owgywy6sz/
vs Time cover all planet nonarians trough muie in cur by Giza 30 coodinates http://postimg.org/image/w85tp8b67/
This is Redudancy to Stargate Codes and Giza 30 Coordinates
Just Some Significant Coded Items found on the Time Magazine Covers Site http://postimg.org/gallery/20a5eu0g/d47d2ae4/
Very Important
Microsoft aka Muie Devil Advocate aka In cur alltogheder Muie in Cur
http://postimg.org/image/lxennchf3/ http://postimg.org/image/o354qqf3z/full/ Pay attention to the water in Jar or Vase or "Saint Water"
Stargate Codes same as Microsoft Disk aka V vs ^ ETC ETC http://postimg.org/image/hb3neye4l/full/
Very Important
Nazi Radio Original Idea http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/
Sciam Z Chaos ButterWorh Circuit http://postimg.org/image/im83qqjrh/ 4 Reich Planet without the nonarians
Sciam http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif U= U TURN ROMANIAN TURN=TOWER SEE ALL BELLOW DECODINGS
Iron Aschia=RFID implanet ARIAN ONLY PLANET AT 54 WITHOUT ANY NONARIAN = all togheder the infinte redudant end of entire humanity
Sciam U Shrodinger Cat + Self Made 9/11 Reichstag = same U as above http://postimg.org/image/a858tt7lj/
Sciam NORTH AMERICAN MONARCH=Crowned aka Corona aka Rfid Implanted BUT_TER_FLIES roost in the same areas every winter,
where they converge on certain trees in great numbers see as well the nsa logo http://postimg.org/image/r37m1nogd/
Sciam EASTERN AND WESTERN MONARCH POPULATIONS diverge (yellow arrows) during their autumn migrations.
The eastern butterflies head, on average, for central Mexico aka Rf; their western counterparts steer
toward California aka Swartz the Nigers . Black lines show butterflies tagged and recaptured by Monarch Watch in 1996.
Sciam This is a Decison Software etc etc Tree http://postimg.org/image/wq3yz4qz1/ and when mirrored in east aka all nonarians
this is waterfall self holocaust 45 45 etc etc
View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Devil Advocate 4 Reich arian only Rfid Implanted Crown Corona Planet http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/
Same thing trogh Fluid Mechanics http://postimg.org/image/wm4g44e4v/
Same SelfHolocaust Decision Tree Behind the Brothers Twins Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/y88du1n27/full/
Sciam Same Thing America Software Grows on the PeachTree aka Hebrew Afarsec aka Efer by the Sec same as Swartz the Nigers
aka Ash by the NSA software in the east at 15 http://postimg.org/image/4vk61zd4r/ aka all nonarians on the planet
Sciam How to R_UN the World Corona aka Mexican Romanian Rf Crown Computers http://postimg.org/image/njjvbspgt/
Sciam German AEG Automation aka Auto Mat Mai On aka 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/y256asda3/
Sciam Self-Organized Criticality http://postimg.org/image/dhshjmii9/
Sciam The 4 Reich RFID Implanted Arian Only Planet without all nonarians and without USA http://postimg.org/image/btj6b4c27/
Aerosol= Night and Fog Picture = muie in cur + nicadrorism AIDS= American Software in Trees Fizics Particles Back= U as above+Shrodinger Cat
Feb 1994= Alice also see Same thing 4 Reich trough Rf Stargate Codes http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/

Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet of the Apes aka Ape_S aka Romanian Ape =Water + S
Sciam Water + 32 coordinates + nonarians + S http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ EXTERMINATION plan for all muslims as the first of all nonarians

Devil Advocate 555 555 154 B http://postimg.org/image/bfks0hatb/full/
Electronic Fireflies --------------------- by Wayne Garver and Frank Moss
December, 1993 http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/
ARTIFICIAL FIREFLIES synchronize their flashes as each is affected by the other's blinking.
They are controlled by a simple oscillator consisting of a timing circuit, a light-emitting diode
and a photoresistor to sense incoming light. Multiple fireflies can be used for experiments that
exploit rhythms that go beyond simple synchrony.
Advancing a flash Some arrangements of artificial fireflies Bibliography
SYNCHRONOUS FIREFLIES. J. Buck and E. Buck in Scientific American, Vol. 234, No. 5, pages 74-85; May 1976.
TALKNG TO STRANGERS. David Attenborough's Trials of Life. BBC Television, 1991. Distributed by Time-Life Videos.

View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
http://s8.postimg.org/r27vdldvp/1997_06.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/nhbzud9c5/1997_062.jpg
http://s8.postimg.org/txkykghvp/1997_063.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/rhj56lzt1/Sciam_Covers_Significant_Coded_65.jpg
ANT'S HEAD photographed during fixations shows details that later disappear
FLEA LEG (top) has clearly visible muscles striations. The mouthparts of a wood tick are revealed in detail (bottom).
Getting Inside an Ant's Head --------------------- by Shawn Carlson=Nazi June, 1997
Stargate Z Chos Cube Gimel Gimel Gama Gama Camel Camel LEGS see above LEGS http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Sciam RF Chaos Pluging in to the Brain http://postimg.org/image/w6wj1aej3/
See NSA Logo with welcome

Preliminary Decoding http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel = TT = Twin Towers
Sciam August 1993 Z Chaos enigma Alice and Alice Turtles Tuneling and time returning swastica cover and within Z Chaos enigma
Nazi Poster Victoria V aka 5 aka Pentagon also when mirrored as by Sciam Alice \/ http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/
Sciam July 1978 Time Returning Play Cards from 54 to self anihilating 6 aka 14 Monarch aka RFID Implanted
14 13 12 10 9 http://postimg.org/image/uto05q0hp/ aka \
Sciam 11 1997 Rf HoneyComb Wind tunnel at 54 from 54 to the 6 http://postimg.org/image/b7zj9iy2l/ and its Reference to 2 Years Earlier 11 1995 Sciam
Sciam 11 1995 aka 2 years earlier Measuring the Wind with Hot Metal http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
Pay attention to the 90 Deg 2 or Z Play Card with 2 Harths at 45 http://postimg.org/image/kpza9kjr1/
The above card =2Z=ZZ Top RFID Code http://postimg.org/image/4cjw45szh/ + Sciam 90 Deg Z Chaos Planet Of Ape_S http://postimg.org/image/yspt2aeil/
Sciam 3 1993 aka even 2 Years Earlier another Wind Rf Z Tunel at 45 aka / http://postimg.org/image/o71ccjit9/
Pay attention to the Inverted Drinking 2GLASS code + For a third set of choices, I offered a peach and an apple aka See above Peach decoding
Pay attention that the Sciam 3 1993 Wind Tunel at 45 is equivalent with this 45 vs 45 http://postimg.org/image/412frecjh/
Sciam 11 1993 Cover is an U + Einstain Theory http://postimg.org/image/xceak5blp/ = http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif
All togheder Sciam 11 1997 + Sciam 11 1995 + Sciam 3 1993 = \ _ / aka an U and 2 and 2 aka 22
This is the entire Planet by Sciam August 1993 Chaotic Spring Ball and 54 over the 45 aka 4 Reich German RFID arian only Planet
http://postimg.org/image/p81l1nzst/ Michael Goodman aka soc.culture.romanian [nsacia iron guard AS 88 Alexandru Soare =Pin_g aka gogu ]
Also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping also Tenis=Tanase aka dacialan order for extermination of all nonarians

Sciam agriculture in Poland aka Extermination http://postimg.org/image/vjlrzg9i5/
Sciam ^ at 54 as an "agricultural field " aka exterminated under a Red Zepelin http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/
Stargate ^ gimel gimel gama gama camel camel Codes http://postimg.org/image/w1g5b8021/full/
Stargate Led aka Led Zepelin StairWays To haven + Bi aka muie in cur http://postimg.org/image/xgzhilmgd/ picture not shifted by me

Mk ultra rf wish Pushed Clip Trough Youtube + Amplifier with same code existent since December 2013 from the company
aka Ash at all levels the [Mk Ultra Rf] http://postimg.org/image/5us87kyhh/full/
The Proof the Amplifier That was not supposed to exist http://postimg.org/image/zfkq85fqb/ but exists since december 2013

http://postimg.org/gallery/1cok35se/2cbd10f6/ Aditional Coded Pictures

http://postimg.org/image/catr6jvod/ The NSA Logo trogh Gdansk 54 Leh Leha Electrician

http://postimg.org/gallery/8fit8u90/45cbc575/ Decision Making Important

http://postimg.org/gallery/azn718xa/b342b1e5/ Agriculture in Poland + ^ at 15 + stargate led + bi

32 555 twice flow chart http://postimg.org/gallery/cman1uzo/8b49a56c/

as it seems water aka rain aka river etc at 15 http://postimg.org/image/b178le2en/

Scientific American Significant Coded Items Covers http://postimg.org/gallery/8vu5yjm8/03d54aa5/

Scientific American Shrodinger Dead Cat at 45 http://postimg.org/image/nhd85o173/

as much as it seems http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn!_Turn!_Turn! Romanian Turn=Tower etc etc

MK ULTRA http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/

kEY ITEM the dual anihilation http://postimg.org/image/p1dyqbk7j/ wich was stoped

Sciam Vanishing Camel http://postimg.org/image/op96keywr/ or Stargate Camel Camel above
http://www.nudistwonderland.com/Son105.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady_of_the_Camellias
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Verdi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_traviata opera was originally entitled Violetta
aka in cur and 100 New American Century by 5 V Pentagon aka nother Z Chaos enigma see the color of the 105 wood bord

as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA http://postimg.org/image/85li5gr9r/
as much as it seems the first seeds for the 26 Z Chaos Plan by Sciam NSA AND 4 Reich http://postimg.org/image/okffi198v/

Highest Importance Posible Life Magazine Cover if is Authentic aka bread=holocaust + desert aka MIDDLE EAST + Spice=Z Chaos spice etc

If authentic Life Magazine Cover then when read as by the nazi codes it proves the chernobil was made by [4 reich]

Very Important Life Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Time Magazine Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above
+ Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

Very Important Popular Mechanics Covers with redudant higly codes for all items decoded above + Please check that all items I found on the net are authentic

http://postimg.org/gallery/8akzhvho/390f9420/ http://postimg.org/gallery/83o199v2/37816786/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ http://postimg.org/gallery/297syrhda/739181cb/
http://postimg.org/gallery/4zb7dnfy/c0c5e1ca/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5naggia4/e24ea8e4/
http://postimg.org/gallery/703r7sfk/c6ceb32e/ http://postimg.org/gallery/4ezf0nr4/9fd042fc/
http://postimg.org/gallery/2wqxkk7w/525f6ee3/ http://postimg.org/gallery/5wiks40u/c97b2c54/
http://postimg.org/gallery/3l4dmhhk/8b2c200b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/3go1nf1e/afe03f3f/
http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ Redudancy and multy redudancy in codes ]
[ 4 Reich Music and Important Encodings

It begins by stating a distinctive four-note "short-short-short-long" motif twice
http://postimg.org/image/l44rfokzb/ = V Pentagon and 22 etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Haydn
http://postimg.org/image/9xsutqjgl/full/ Stargate Movie Encoding 4 Reich German Planet Establishment

Released February 1977 1977 + 24 = 9/11 2001 See Holocaust Alice in the
Scientific American August 8 1993 above Thomas L. Carroll 1976 Musical Blue movie Alice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivers_of_Babylon Remember muie in cur
= Gdansk 54 Leh Leha + Timisoara 45 vs 45 and Baghdad 33 or 32 coded Coordinates
http://postimg.org/image/lnj9pw4kx/ Bony M Ma Backer nsa record
http://postimg.org/image/5di2pur47/ Sciam Version of Rivers Of Babilon with 33 or 32 Bagdad coordinates and Rivers

See above Die Hard Bruce Willis with CCR and Smokie Band and Dacialan Ca_Cat in ploaie
aka California the Shrodinger Cat Also see the Devil Advocate Double Hey

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh!_Carol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairway_to_Heaven_(Neil_Sedaka_song)
Holocaust See Stargate Led + bi and Led Zepelin Stairway to Haven
Related encodings = Sciam Z Chaos Ingeener + Alice holocaust Stargate jack O Neil Devil Advocate Nail Finger at 90 deg etc etc

Ramaya allready decoded above
also encoded
Released 2 October 1995 = 2 10 aka 2 55 77 95 = 1993 z chaos twice also see Rivers of Babilon
http://youtu.be/lDpnjE1LUvE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_in_the_Willow_Garden See Garfunkel relation to it
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Roses_Grow Carefull Hand + Rock in Fist
aka Pentagon 2 times = 55 = see above handle decoding + name is Elisa Day =Alice 24 years holocaust

http://youtu.be/iNfuyTPPgEE Ceausescu in fata Comisiei Europene La minutul 3 06 apare Polonia si la 45 URSS
SI Ceausescu vorbind Adica Gdansk 54 si Timisoara 45 vs 45

Cabaret aka The 4 Reich Foenix and Back Nazi Chess Tomorow Bellongs To Me Pay attention to the red strips

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/House_on_carroll_street_poster.jpg aka the 4 Reich Rising

Very Important
Bangles Walk like an Egyptian 90 Deg Z Chaos+32 piramides Sciam Verona Restorant 90 deg Z Chaos aka the same
http://youtu.be/4nuhja7y4TM http://postimg.org/image/n2z337qr5/

Very Important http://postimg.org/gallery/at7gq8oc/84f453f3/

Very Important The Planet Level Mirored SelfSustained Fractal Split Brain Sciam Mk MultyDisciplinary Holocaust
http://postimg.org/gallery/19z1vhsu/7b50ac58/ http://s30.postimg.org/xysfqzxxd/4_Reich_rf_jewish_hat_mirror.png
http://s30.postimg.org/8dg7r5apt/Sciam_1988_01.gif http://s30.postimg.org/tsc6penpd/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg
Sciam Jan 1964 MK Split Brain Ape http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ Sciam Planet Of The Apes http://postimg.org/image/eqpgli08n/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grease_%28film%29 In cur simultaneus to Alice Blue Movie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomenon_%28film%29 The Rf
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol%C3%A9ro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolero_%281984_film%29
Bol?ro is "Ravel's most straightforward composition in any medium".
[4] The music is in C major, 3/4 time, beginning pianissimo and
rising in a continuous crescendo to fortissimo possibile (as loud as possible).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ida_Rubinstein The composition was a sensational
success when it was premiered at the Paris Op?ra on 22 November 1928
22 see above 1928 = 77 88 and all related subcodes
Rav_el the jewish god = nsa 54 masked as gdansk 54 leh leha
See schetch made in 2007 for incremental spiraling planet taking by 4 Reich
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip=Incremental Spiral inspiration @]
Important[The Rf the world war 3 topest guilty level http://postimg.org/gallery/95opu2io/dcb41cab/
http://postimg.org/image/ge1yodxtr/ http://postimg.org/image/rhgzg8tq7/ http://postimg.org/image/uxoyajhd1/
http://postimg.org/image/41z2aw9z3/ http://postimg.org/image/yi4z90vi7/ http://postimg.org/gallery/audd9icm/d62d318c/
http://postimg.org/image/bkmsx9qpr/ http://postimg.org/image/yefr6ifen/ http://postimg.org/gallery/liq2rwwo/cd416af8/ ?
http://postimg.org/image/ucu2n3xq7/ http://postimg.org/image/s9jnffxxb/
http://postimg.org/image/5yvsfh0n3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2yt03ybj/
http://postimg.org/image/bsafts1of/ http://postimg.org/image/dmnabioov/
http://postimg.org/image/4b18ekc5b/ http://postimg.org/image/b41lau2yn/
http://postimg.org/image/ffq6zu9vj/ http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ RFID implanted mases under rf 50
to the planet http://s8.postimg.org/5sxpsxt45/1993_10.gif http://s8.postimg.org/9o13vic9x/1993_102.gif
Early Planing Moving Masses of Humans under Rf with or without RFID Implant http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/
Rf Crown Coroana Sciam See Sun Computers Sign http://postimg.org/image/7k9uv7jf3/
Devil Advocate http://postimg.org/image/czupcm8lb/full/ Sciam Corona Computers http://postimg.org/image/f4cn7t16j/
rfid electronics holocaust and 4 Reich by Sciam http://postimg.org/image/qfa6zd8un/
same RFID and holocaust at 45 + Nazi Chess by Rf Rfid http://postimg.org/image/wk6aqfqbz/
The RFID Implanted Arian Only 4 Reich German Planet by Rf + Z Chaos http://postimg.org/gallery/80a5llde/3251ac63/ ]
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedy_Lamarr see relation to Rf + Sciam Piano Wires aka Iron Guard Stargate Cubes AKA NSA Logo
Life Magazine Cover + check that is authentic http://postimg.org/image/wu398c74l/
See Hitlers Piano Wires here with Lamarr and Scientific American Piano Wire Iron Stargate Cube Iron Guard
and Nicadrors http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/10/02/hitlers-late-night-television/ ]
[ View and viewing from above of a crowd on Rf Planet aka nontipical Rf etc influenced behavior
http://postimg.org/image/cnir0g0zz/ ] Watch me in the past looking from above at crowds
[ Sciam Fractal Repetition of the Stargate Cube Planet level http://postimg.org/image/9b22o6fpr/ ]
http://postimg.org/image/4o78hmkcr/full/ Decoding Chaos by me 2007 conclusion

[ http://postimg.org/gallery/ci7yc6t4/c8af77ed/ http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/ http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/b2ce5955/
http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/ http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ http://postimg.org/image/tlgb1as73/
http://postimg.org/image/eu3nxhpmj/ http://postimg.org/image/6pd4g2vjz/ http://postimg.org/image/4jelm2jh3/ http://postimg.org/image/o2j6vfi8n/
http://postimg.org/image/u0ry8juvr/ http://postimg.org/image/w7rliqas7/ http://postimg.org/image/suxlkm2af/ http://postimg.org/image/mv9ugyhhz/
http://postimg.org/image/ef61autjr/ http://postimg.org/image/42tdzmvpz/ http://postimg.org/image/c9ipu2z5p/ http://postimg.org/image/azi50t4xr/
http://postimg.org/image/d1imf22wv/ http://postimg.org/image/f0cpt4v9b/ http://postimg.org/image/wi8vzmqvd/ http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/
http://postimg.org/image/va2sf0s1b/ http://postimg.org/gallery/2bofoyivs/6f8bbeb8/ http://postimg.org/gallery/btcyocog/55ad56ec/ See IBM c Building
http://postimg.org/image/qswu3f9un/ http://postimg.org/gallery/13dvwqlka/a2881e1d/ http://postimg.org/image/u8j7gip3z/b2ce5955/
http://postimg.org/image/8vmwgo8j1/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ ]
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/qHPYyFSRv2c/Yv6YZehC_nwJ [ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/ ]
[Traducere conform babilon translator Romaneste Apogeu = German HohenPunkt si in scr context este egal cu HoloPoint a lui Dror ]

[ 1967 Sciam Holographic Chess http://postimg.org/gallery/zkzh12zc/d5427afd/ http://postimg.org/gallery/264fgb1aw/ba9275e0/
Park Azorim German Chess Pices http://postimg.org/image/tlgb1as73/ = http://postimg.org/image/hl5h1t6af/ = http://postimg.org/image/uiy7q85br/
http://postimg.org/image/dbhs4j0gn/ MIT Mark Lucent Holography = http://postimg.org/image/akq10jv31/
http://postimg.org/image/a6tc2ifiv/ = same thing in Holographic terms http://postimg.org/image/9s0xt9ze9/ by Rf
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/soc.culture.romanian/ytBsdd_ik34/yFIxL4gKg_IJ [Frankfurt Holography http://postimg.org/image/4v34behll/ ]
QED [HOLOGRAPHY AT 12 BY 118 AKA Hail Hitler http://postimg.org/gallery/a1e4e6nk/2e6eb2b0/ http://postimg.org/image/3swnre2s9/cd969261/ ]

Planet Level [ The Sciam Jan 1964 Cover Mk Ultra Psychological Programing for the mirror fractal at 12 and 15
50 years on the run http://postimg.org/image/dampn347j/ ]
All and any [mirroring by the self sustained distributive rf nazi algoritm of the 4 Reich
released over ] the entire Planet Is by this defined as a crime under the law since
[it creates self sustained distributive holocaust and discrimination ]


By this in thiscontext the [MK Ultra Rf Supercomputer Generated Rf Transmted
Oracle Psy Dreams ] this [topest nazi elite unite = redudant infinite end of entire]
Humanity is handled from this momment by the systems bellow in the post


Safe all modes remaining safe all modes under the Planet Intels the entire USA & Europe
Population Shall Undergo Screening In order to Check If it [ was or not implanted with RFID by medical
injections & similar tools+ all medical services] checked
Init now ireversible unstopable by planet intels trough person to person aka human to human disclosure
to the entire USA & Europe population that they all might be allready [implanted with RFID]
& that they where all defined to be [RFID Iimplanted]

Safe all modes under UN a Full Working Program & System for all Significant Tribunals
on the Planet for Withneses Protection & Relocation & where apply Compensation
in regard to [4 Reich & complices crimes] is by this on ireversible unstopable

Very Important Data in Links aka Planet Level [Holocaust self sustained algoritm & RFID Implants] Europe & USA populations

[ http://s9.postimg.org/ngdq9cju7/1967_02.gif http://s9.postimg.org/j8iy0lien/1967_023_2.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/xnro80gof/devil_advocate_ICE_SHO_E_HOLOCAUST.jpg http://s9.postimg.org/ek2y5et7z/Holocaust_at_45_etc_inc_horse_sho_e.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/gkthq8pdb/Horse_Sho_E_Forgeries.jpg http://s9.postimg.org/ob09vdrov/Muie_in_cur_hiden_faces_true_or_false.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/r8snbc9yn/RFID_IMPLNTED_USA_AND_Europe_Population.gif http://s9.postimg.org/9hh0wvujz/Same_As_Fluid_Mec_Cover.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/fdfjy0z8v/Sciam_Alice_Holocaust_Mirroring.jpg http://s9.postimg.org/q7wzzyicv/show_holocaust_at_12.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/g48a3t1m7/Decoded_ZChaos_2001.gif http://s9.postimg.org/vutcxfkvj/DSCF1545.jpg
http://s9.postimg.org/l5fo5692n/DSCF3711.jpg Related Coded Pictures ] Decoded

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols from this momment
[Any and all Wish Cenzoring of the Mk Rf Human Behavior Specialists Terror Systems & Terrorist Rf Scaning
over RFID implanted Humans] = War Crime By Law

Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes under all [World War 3 ] Protocols the entire control and situation
in the Ashdod Town and Park Azorim Petah Tikva and Azrieli Towers Hulon is handled from this momment starting this momment
by The New UN &

Toata Populatia USA si Europa este RFID implantata in secret =Safe all modes Remaining Safe all modes
mandatory toate arhivele fostului [nsa] devin prin asta proprietatea Planet Level Secret Inel Tribunal
si a USA tribunals

QED [Google Street View este noua generatie de Conceptual Mk Rf Psy Cores wish facute Ad Hoc in Real Time
la orice locatie care a fost Scaned Photografiata De Google Street View si este sub Mobile Antenas Rf Pentru a
Facilita Self anihilation Holo ]

[Razboiul Mondial de 100 de ani compus din Primula Razboi Mondial condus dus de Germania
si de Al Doilea si Razboiul Rece si Al Treilea Razboi Mondial Conduse de German Nazies contra ]
Planetei si a intregii Umanitatii Sa terminat pe 25 Iunie 2014

Winston Churchill Speech "The German State Has Surrendered" 8th May 1945

We are allready after 45 at Intel Level and We are allready after 45 at military level
over the former [4Reich within] USA and we are allready at 45 at public level booth
within USA and as well over the entire Planet and We are at 45 45 45 45 Official Public On the Entire Planet over the [4 Reich in] USA
and as well the sub judice ICJ ICC PLSIT Tribunal Owned as [Criminals] former
[mk rf etc team have even by their own cognitive view of the] reality no more any
[control over violence means ] or situation either within USA or at Planet Level
and are in total panic and desperation and dispersion and no longer represent a country since
they [mk rf have atempted to infinite mode end ] USA and most of its Population
+ New Update
Today 25 June 2014 [4 Reich inside ] USA is in total Mandatory Public Official Planet Level 45 45 45 45
capitulation to New UN & New Eliberated New United Planet Today

Init now safe unstopable ireversible by planet intel with ICC and ICJ Tribunals and relevant significant
Tribunals over the planet
including in the Official Public 45 45 45 45 [4 Reich in ] USA and its New Forming Goverment and Its Local Peoples as defined under Planet Intels
and New UN and Entire New Eliberated and United Planet

